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Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

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Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

Passeig Sant Joan de Déu, 2, 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat

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A pediatric oncology patient receiving cancer treatment at the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

The Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona at the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital is a national and international reference centre for the provision of care and research into pediatric cancer.

The Oncology Department at the hospital is filled with specialists on treating all kinds of pediatric cancers: neuroblastoma, retinoblastoma, musculoskeletal tumours (sarcomas, including osteosarcoma and Ewing's sarcoma), brain tumours (including medulloblastoma, ependymoma, gliomas and other less frequent kinds), histiocytosis, kidney tumours (Wilms tumour and other less frequent kinds), leukemia (lymphoid and myeloid) and lymphomas. 


The Oncology Department at the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital has been officially recognised as a reference unit for the treatment of rare and complex diseases. 

  • European Commission (ERN): ERN PaedCan.
  • Ministry of Health, Consumer Affairs and Social Welfare (CSUR): Neurocutaneous genetic syndromes.

Why the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital?

Pediatric cancer is not the same as adult cancer

Pediatric cancer, more commonly known as childhood cancer, affects children, teenagers and young adults.

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We use innovative treatments

We are working on developing new therapies and treatments that are more effective and less aggressive, so that young patients with cancer can benefit from more advanced treatments. 

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At the forefront of knowledge

Our research aims to find new and better ways to diagnose and treat our patients. We have five different research groups and are involved in several clinical trials so that we can help find a treatment for incurable tumours.

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Special focus on families and the overall wellbeing of the patient

We offer comprehensive, interdisciplinary care for children and young people with cancer, always focusing on maintaining their quality of life.

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Personalised medicine

We understand that every patient is different because every tumour is different.

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Our facilities

We have all kinds of technical means to diagnose and treat our patients. In 2022, we launched the SJD Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona, a new monographic healthcare centre for children and teenagers with cancer and their families.

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Our results


Eye preservation rate in advanced stages of retinoblastoma after 10 years


Survival in patients with low-grade glioma after 10 years


Cure rate in patients with localised Ewing sarcoma after 10 years


Cure rate in localised osteosarcomas after 10 years


of our patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia survive after 5 years


Patients with high-risk neuroblastoma treated at our centre who are disease-free after 3 years, in first or second complete remission

Paciente y enfermeras del SJD Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona

Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona

A comprehensive care facility with all of the departments and services that children and young people with cancer need.

Specialisms and services

Related Units


We treat central nervous system tumours such as medulloblastoma and other embryonal tumours, high- and low-grade and diffuse K27M mutated midline gliomas, ependymoma, craniopharyngioma, germ cell tumour, and choroid plexus tumour.

Extracranial solid tumours

Experts in pathologies such as neuroblastoma, retinoblastoma, osteosarcoma, Ewing's sarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, Wilms tumour, nephroblastoma, vascular tumour (hemangioma, venous and arterial malformation), hepatoblastoma and germ cell tumour.

Tumours of the hematopoietic system

Leukemias, lymphomas (non-Hodgkin and Hodgkin), histiocytosis and congenital spinal cord failure are the focus of our healthcare activity in this field.

Neurocutaneous diseases (NF1) and cancer predisposition

We are specialists in hereditary cancer syndromes, such as neurocutaneous diseases (neurofibromatosis 1 and 2), tuberous sclerosis or syndromes such as Li-Fraumeni, among others.

Cancer survivor follow-up

Care for cancer patients does not end with the treatment. We provide the support and services necessary to make going back to school, family and friends a positive experience.

Diseases we treat

Meduloblastoma and other embryonal tumours
Low-grade glioma
Choroid plexus tumor
Ewing's sarcoma
Nephroblastoma (Wilms’ Tumour)
Vascular tumour (hemangioma, venous and arterial malformation)
Germinal cell tumours
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
Congenital medullar failure
Neurocutaneous diseases: neurofibromatosis type 1 and 2
Tuberous sclerosis
Li-Fraumeni syndrome
Cancer predisposing syndromes

Treatments we offer

CNS tumours
Oncological surgery of the chest, abdomen, pelvis and soft tissue
Oncological surgery of bone tumours
Radiotherapy (proton therapy and conventional radiotherapy)
Chemotherapy and associated support treatment
High-risk neuroblastoma immunotherapy
Retinoblastoma immunotherapy
Cellular treatments platform

Integrative Pediatric Oncology

While adhering to strict scientific rigour and medical criteria, we combine patients’ therapeutic plans with complementary treatments that help reduce treatment toxicity and improve the quality of life of the children and teenagers with pediatric cancer.

Testing we conduct

Imaging tests (anatomical, metabolic and functional)
Laboratory tests
Analysis of tumour samples
Analysis of various samples (bone marrow, blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid)


María Nazaret Sánchez Sierra, oncòloga, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona
María Nazaret Sánchez Sierra

The Oncology Department boasts physicians from every pediatric specialism, meaning we can offer our patients comprehensive healthcare. 

We also count on the support of the Associació de Familiars i Amics de Nens Oncològics de Catalunya [Family and Friends of Children with Cancer Catalonia] (AFANOC) thanks to nurse and clinical consultant Núria Carsí.

Research and clinical trials

Nowadays, only research can lead us towards providing better healthcare.

The research projects that we conduct aim to answer the questions posed by oncologists when they treat children and teenagers with pediatric cancer. This is known as translational research, as it aims to translate scientific progress into something usable for patients according to their needs as soon as possible

Research in the Oncology Department is done according to the SJD Research Institute framework, where more than 50 professionals (from researchers to technicians) work in the Pediatric Cancer Research Lab, opened in 2003 and currently part of the SJD Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona at the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital.

We have access to a pediatric tumour bank, which is of utmost value in research and experimentation. In the laboratory, we use molecular and genomic technology to analyse the gene expression of various tumours, opening doors to new diagnostic and prognostic options for patients. 

As our investigative team is wholly integrated into our care team, and with over 20 years of experience in translation research under our belts, our studies, clinical trials and cutting-edge treatments allow specialists to offer the safest and most efficient treatment possible to our patients. 

Our research is characterised by: 

  • Use of preclinical models: Samples from our patients are processed in the lab to assess the effectiveness and safety of the new treatments, before the clinical phase. 
  • The pediatric tumour bank: This is a key piece in our research work, as the study of patient tumours is the first step in getting results. 
  • The Clinical Trials Department: We boast the first Clinical Trials Department focused on Pediatrics in all of Spain, with a huge volume of patients and trials.  

Thanks to all of this, in the laboratory of Pediatric Cancer Research, we can offer precision diagnostic techniques and precision prognostics of our patients’ disease, all while working on developing more effective and less aggressive therapies for children with cancer. 

Precision diagnosis

Innovative diagnostic techniques allow us to identify therapeutic targets and offer personalised therapies.

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Advanced therapies

We have a huge capacity to develop advanced technology in the field of pediatric oncology, which few other centres around the world are able to claim.

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Main research groups

Our research work is spread over five research groups, consisting of over 50 professionals who work at the SJD Research Institute.

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Visit the childhood cancer research laboratory at the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

Visit to the Childhood Cancer Research Laboratory at SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

The best recognition comes from our patients

The majority of therapies and treatments in Oncology are not tested in the pediatric age group. As these are rare diseases, very few resources are designated to their study. There are more and more patients and families who promote fundraising initiatives for the research we do here at the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital. Around 70% of our research budget comes from donations from patient families. Thanks to cancer research, around 80% of cases are cured. But for many children, there is still no medical solution.

Collaborate with us

“Having a research laboratory at the service of our patients is key to offering the most advanced treatments.”

Jaume Mora Graupera Oncology Area Scientific Director

“Thanks to research, currently 80% of cases are cured, but we still do not have the answer for many children. We need more effective and less toxic treatments.”

Ofelia Cruz Martínez Pediatric oncologist, Head of Teaching in the Oncology Area

“The vast majority of the public and private resources intended for cancer research focus on adult cancer. Children are very much forgotten.”

Glòria Garcia Castellví Head of the Charity Department
Help us research childhood cancer

Help us research childhood cancer

We work hard to expand knowledge and work towards a cure for this disease, which affects 250,000 children worldwide each year.


At the Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona, we encourage specialist training in pediatric cancer. We are accredited as an international pediatric cancer education centre by the European School of Oncology and by the International Society of Oncology.

One of our greatest initiatives is the TELEO programme, an online training programme about oncology and pediatric hematology aimed at medical and nursing professionals in Latin America. The programme is completely free and accessible online or using the mobile app and belongs to the International Pediatric Forum (International Outreach Programme) at the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital.

Plus, our team is closely connected to the educational offering at Sant Joan de Déu Formación in the Oncology and Hematology specialism, as well as teaching at the University of Barcelona, to which, as a University Hospital, the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital is affiliated.

Patient stories

Simón’s story: a seven-year-old Mexican boy in full remission from a high risk neuroblastoma
‘After requesting an online second medical opinion, we decided coming to Barcelona was the best option for my son's medulloblastoma’
Complex surgery for tumor resection of an osteosarcoma with complete reconstruction of the extremity
Retinoblastoma stabilised with intra-arterial chemotherapy that had no treatment options in the country of origin
A 6-year-old boy recovering well after his second neurosurgery to treat a hamartoma
"Mar overcame metastatic cancer without needing chemotherapy or radiotherapy"
"We found out about the CAR-T treatment at SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital from an Argentinian patient with leukaemia"
Olivia overcomes heart problems caused by chemotherapy

Patient stories

When any child arrives in the Oncology Area of SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital, our team of psychologists and social workers performs a comprehensive assessment of their family situation so that an action plan can be drawn up. This plan includes guidance about the services and/or assistance (economic, work-related, social, accommodation, etc.) they can access to help them handle their son or daughter's illness, and proposes appropriate actions on the part of our professionals.

To prepare this plan, our professionals count on the support of the Hospital Amic and Hospitality programmes, among others, something that makes our hospital stand out. They also work with Escola La Magnòlia, the hospital's own school under the Department of Education of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia, to ensure continuity of education for inpatients in Catalonia. In some situations, they coordinate with social services in the family's place of residence to guarantee continuity of care to the family when they are at home, as well as with patient associations.

Lastly, our team is also present as normal life resumes, which can be a moment of crisis for families after a long time outside the school and work environment.

Resources for families

Maria Àngels Claramonte Fuster
Social worker
Tània González Sanchís
Social worker
Paciente retinoblastoma Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona

Psychosocial care, help and grants

When a child arrives at the SJD Oncology Department, our team of psychologists and social workers carries out a comprehensive assessment of the family’s situation to help create an action plan. This plan includes information on grants and/or support (financial, work, social, accommodation, etc.) that may help families face their child's disease and suggests the best steps for our professionals.  

To be able to offer this plan, our professionals count on the support of the Hospital Amic and the Hospitality programmes, among others, a key stand-out of our hospital. They also work closely with the La Magnòlia School, the hospital classroom funded by the Generalitat de Catalunya's Department of Education to ensure continued education for patients who live in Catalonia. In some situations, they coordinate with social services in the family’s place of residence to ensure the family receives continued care once they return home, as well as with various patient associations.  

Finally, our team is also there when it is time to get back to normal, which can be a huge anxiety for families after such a long time away from school and work.