Expert in
Pediatric Surgery. Pediatric Oncological Surgery. Minimally Invasive Surgery
English, Spanish, Catalan, French
- PhD from the Universitat de Barcelona, thesis on 3D surgical planning studies for complex surgeries, 2017.
- ECFMG-USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Examination), 2012.
- Specialist in Pediatric Surgery (through Resident Medical Internship training). SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital, University of Barcelona, 2009.
- Specialist in Pediatrics and its specific areas, with training as a Resident Medical Intern. Mútua de Terrassa University Hospital, Universitat de Barcelona, 2004.
- Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 1998.
International experience
- Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS).
- Fellow of the European Board of Paediatric Surgery (FEBPS).
- Fellow Pediatric Surgical Oncology. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC), New York, USA, 2013.
- Pediatric Surgery Department. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, USA.
Scientific activity
- Author and editor of the book Survival Handbook in Pediatric Surgical Oncology, 2024.
- Participant in the QuiroFAM project on ‘Patient Derived Xenograph of Pediatric Tumors’ RIS3CAT, P ITTC European Consortium P4, 2017.
- Surgical advisor in the study on biomedical nanofibres. Cebiotex, Barcelona, since 2014.
- Principal investigator of the ‘Use of 3D modeling and 3D printing for surgical palnning’ RIS3CAT. Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona, since 2013.
- Principal Investigator of the ‘Cirugía Oncológica Pediátrica’, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, 2012.
- Principal investigator of the ‘Importance of subspecialisation in paediatric oncological surgery for improving survival and quality of life of children with cancer’, Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC), 2011.
- Principal investigator of the ‘Response of the contralateral lung to tracheal occlusion in a model of congenital diaphragmatic hernia’ Fundació Sant Joan de Déu, Barcelona, 2009.
- Participant in the ‘Study of vascular development and lung maturation in a model of diaphragmatic hernia in a rabbit foetus. Effect of foetal tracheal occlusion’, (FIS PI06 0585), Fundació Sant Joan de Déu, 2006.
- Author of numerous articles published in Pubmed.
- Associate Professor of Medicine at the Universitat de Barcelona, 2011-present.
- Lecturer on the master's degree in Biomedicine at the Universitat de Barcelona, 2014-present.
- Director of the master's degree in Paediatric Oncological Surgery at the Universitat de Barcelona, 2018-present.
- Instructor in Pediatric Simulation certified by the Simulator Program Boston Children's Hospital, 2016-present.
- Lecturer Expert 3D. Transversal Programme in Medical Image Postprocess, Training Professionals: 3D Printing to Research.
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