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Locations and phones

Call center 93 253 21 00

Monday to Sunday, from 8 am to 8:30 pm

Scheduling or change of appointment +34 93 253 21 00

Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

Private Care - International Patients +34 93 600 97 83

Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

Passeig Sant Joan de Déu, 2, 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat

How to arrive

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Transparency Portal

The SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital's Transparency Portal is a new way for citizens to become better acquainted with our management as a public-service-orientated, private, non-profit-making institution.

We have a long track record of commitment with the community and, as a centre of the Brothers Hospitallers of St. John of God, we assume its principles of hospitality and responsibility in the service we provide.

This transparency portal will enable us to better disseminate  our commitment with society and our resource management, adhering to the principles of efficiency, effectiveness, fairness, humanity and transparency.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is our commitment to the needs of different areas of society.

Consult the audit, operating account and balance sheet, as well as the subsidies and public aid that we receive.

SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital is a non-profit institution that aims at providing care for the entire population, either through the Catalan Health Service or through other insurers.

As a charitable-social religious institution, we are a non-profit entity.