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Call center 93 253 21 00

Monday to Sunday, from 8 am to 8:30 pm

Scheduling or change of appointment +34 93 253 21 00

Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

Private Care - International Patients +34 93 600 97 83

Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

Passeig Sant Joan de Déu, 2, 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat

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Paciente y enfermeras del SJD Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona

Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona

Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona

A comprehensive centre by all and for all for the benefit of children and adolescents with cancer.

SJD Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona is a new monographic centre for the benefit of children and adolescents with cancer and their families. The facility brings together the healthcare services aimed at patients with developmental cancer in one single place, as well as spaces dedicated to research. The aim is to treat a large volume of patients more effectively, efficiently and adequately, more than 400 new patients per year, with the highly specialised team of the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital Oncology Department.

Below you can find more information related to the centre's strategy and activity through its Strategic Plan 2023-2027.

Hallway in the SJD Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona

"In one building, SJD Pediatric Cancer Center offers all outpatient and inpatient care, procedures, treatments and research. This has a huge impact on families"

Andrés Morales La Madrid Healthcare Director, SJD Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona

"The paediatric oncology nursing team is be able to accompany our patients and families in a space specially designed for their needs"

Anna Negre Head of Nursing, SJD Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona

Objectives of SJD Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona

To continue increasing the capacity to cure childhood cancer by offering comprehensive and personalised care
To obtain new effective treatments for currently incurable cancers.
To reduce the sequelae of surviving children.
To be a centre open to the world and with a vocation for service.

Our specialisms

We focus our experience on six clinical areas aimed at different types of patients, to ensure the best medical care, always seeking the best possible experience. SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona offers multidisciplinary, super-specialised, highly complex and comprehensive care.

In the case of solid tumours in pediatric patients, we have a Molecular Oncology Laboratory specialising in the genetic characterisation of these tumours, which allows us to offer patients a more personalised and appropriate treatment based on the genetic abnormalities of their tumour.

How to request a treatment in SJD Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona

A comprehensive centre by all and for all for the benefit of children and adolescents with cancer.

“After over 6 years of treatment, coming to and fro from Cordoba, we are certain that we are in the best place to treat Antonio and in a leading centre of research. We have been able to access immunotherapy in this hospital, which allows our son to have a future”

María Luisa mother of Antonio, an oncology patient.

“We have travelled from Peru to treat Gael. We arrived when he had suffered a leukaemia relapse and a tumour in his back prevented him from even walking. Now, after surgery and chemotherapy, my son can walk and he is going to have a transplant. At this centre we have found the specific care that an oncology patient needs”

Mauricio father of Gael, a patient with leukaemia.

“I think my son receives the same good care as he did at the previous outpatient Hospital. The building has changed, but the care is the same quality. After more than two years of treatment, I am certain that we are in the best place to treat my son's Ewing's sarcoma”

Marta mother of Marc, an oncology patient.

Our activity


Active patients


Patients being followed up


International patients

cada dia

Treatments at the Day Hospital

per day

Patients seen at home

per day

Surgical procedures

Precision diagnosis

We have innovative diagnostic techniques that allow us to identify therapeutic targets and offer personalised therapies.

  • Molecular diagnosis: We have a Molecular Oncology Laboratory specialising in the genetic characterisation of solid tumours which allows us to offer patients a more personalised and appropriate treatment based on the genetic abnormalities of their tumour.
  • Diagnostic imaging: Our Diagnostic Imaging Service  is specialised in the study of paediatric oncological imaging biomarkers that enable us to have non-invasive anatomical, metabolic and functional  information, thus increasing the precision of the initial diagnosis while also establishing patient prognosis and follow-up. We also have intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging in our surgical block that allows us to improve surgical precision and safety.
  • Nuclear medicine: This allows us to perform very important diagnostic tests in a set of paediatric oncological diseases. It is applied for the detection and determination of the extent of the disease, for monitoring or for the detection of relapses. Moreover, not only is it useful for diagnostic purposes, but it is also useful in the treatment of certain solid tumours.

"Our integrated research approach to care, and patient and family-centred care, has made SJD Pediatric Cancer Center a reality."

Jaume Mora Scientific Director of SJD Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona

"SJD Pediatric Cancer Center brings the most innovative therapies and new clinical trials to paediatric cancer patients"

Susana Rives Head of the Leukaemia and Lymphoma Unit of the Oncology Area and a reference in CAR-T 19 immunotherapy.

"We are an ally of paediatric oncology centres around the world, but especially in Latin America, to collaborate in building the best local capacities for the diagnosis and treatment of children with cancer".

Guillermo Chantada Head of the SJD Pediatric Cancer Center Outreach programme

Innovative research and methods

More than 50 professionals, including researchers and technicians, work in this laboratory, which contains a bank of pediatric tumours of high value for research and experimentation. In the laboratory, molecular techniques and genomic technology are also applied, which allow the analysis of the gene expression of tumours and open new options in the fields of patient diagnosis and prognosis.

With a research team which is fully integrated with the healthcare team, our cutting-edge research, clinical trials and treatments allow our specialists to provide the safest and most effective care possible.

What characterises our research

  • Pre-clinical models: Patient samples are processed in the laboratory to evaluate the efficacy and safety of new treatments, before the clinical phase.
  • Pediatric tumour bank: This is a key piece in our research, since the study of patients' tumours is the first step to achieving results.
  • Clinical Trials Unit: We have the first Clinical Trials Unit in Spain that centers on paediatrics, with a substantial volume of patients and trials.


The oncology training that we offer is one of the SJD Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona's strategic tools. Our objective is to optimise the scientific and personal development of the professionals who care for children and adolescents with cancer.

  • Seminars and courses: We offer continuing education courses in cancer for physicians, nurses and other healthcare professionals.
  • Pre-graduate training: We are involved with the pre-graduate training of medical students from the Universitat de Barcelona and with nursing students.
  • Post-graduate training: Our team oversees oncology training for paediatric and paediatric nursing residents.
  • Paediatric oncology grant programme: the paediatric cancer and development grant programme is well consolidated and is our country's oldest. The programme runs for three years, in the course of which the research assistants are trained in the different clinical and research aspects of our sub-speciality.
  • Online telematic initiatives: Online training has made it possible to move continuing education to platforms such as TELEO (Tele-education in Paediatric Oncology), which supports and bolsters local training programmes for specialists in Latin America, particularly in medium-to-low income countries in which such training was hitherto impossible.


Maria Àngels Claramonte Fuster
Social worker
Tània González Sanchís
Social worker

The dimensions of SJD Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona


Research space


Space for healthcare




Transplant chambers


Boxes in the Day Hospital


Outpatient consultation rooms

SJD Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona in solidarity with everyone

And we cannot forget that SJD Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona has become a reality thanks to the support of all the people, companies and institutions that help us financially in this great project, from the founding donors to the solidarity initiatives by hundreds of families and associations.

Through the For the Brave initiative, we have managed to get to this point and we continue to work to cure more cases of childhood cancer that currently have no cure, improve treatments and minimise the sequelae that currently occur and reduce the emotional impact on children and families. In addition, our objective is to facilitate access to our centre for children from developing countries, as well as to train professionals and cooperate with hospitals in those countries so that they can improve their patient care.

"SJD Pediatric Cancer Center has been made by all of us. In a way, it belongs to each and every one of the people whose generosity has made it possible"

Glòria Garcia Castellví Head of fundraising at SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

Founding donors

Fundació Barça
Fundación Leo Messi
Maria Àngels Recolons Morer
Stravros Niarchos Foundation
Fundació "la Caixa"
Fundació Nou Mil·leni
Asociación benéfica Anita
Fundación Joan Ribas Araquistain
Rosalia Gispert Barral
Invest for Children
Roman Rosell Dolset


Fundació Damm
Logotipo Grupo Planeta
Logotipo Rotary Club Girona
Grup Constant "Torneig Benèfic XAP"
Logotipo Cinesa
Logotipo Nestlé
Logotipo Osona Contra el Càncer
Logotipo Siemens Healthineers
Logotipo Small Foundation
Família Vila Saborit
Logotipo Line Sports
Logo Escuts solidaris
Logotipo BBVA Equip Catalunya
Logo Policias x Valientes
Logotipo Rakuten
Logotipo Melià Hotels International
Logotipo IMF
Logotipo Medtronic
Logotipo Cementos Molins
Logotipo IESE
Logotipo Júlia Perfumeries
Logotipo Fundació Creatia
Logos de los colaboradores del SJD Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona