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Call center 93 253 21 00

Monday to Sunday, from 8 am to 8:30 pm

Scheduling or change of appointment +34 93 253 21 00

Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

Private Care - International Patients +34 93 600 97 83

Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

Passeig Sant Joan de Déu, 2, 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat

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Consulta del programa A10, transición al hospital de adultos

The transition of adolescents to adult health-care centres is carried out in a gradual and safe way, taking into account the needs of patients and their families.

Given its status as a highly specialised maternal and child health centre, SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital has a pioneering programme on the transition of paediatric patients to the adult system, which it carries out with the collaboration of the major hospitals in Catalonia.

As a result of advances in health care, chronic pathologies have increased in recent decades, and so too has complexity. It was therefore necessary to create a structured and homogeneous system to respond to the diversity of needs of patients and families and to their degree of clinical complexity.

The transition of patients affected by rare diseases to adult centres is one of the priority objectives of SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital's internal health-care model, led by the Hospital's Advisory Commission on Rare Diseases (CAMM-SJD).

Objectives of the transition programme

After examining the needs of families, patients and health-care professionals and learning about similar experiences in international centres, the Quality and Patient Experience Department launched the A10! ("adéu" in Catalan, "goodbye" in English) transition to adult centres programme in 2015.

It is a cross-cutting hospital-wide programme in which health-care circuits are organised, patient training programmes are developed to promote their autonomy, and focus is also placed on attending to the psychosocial needs of families with children with serious conditions, many of whom have rare diseases, and supporting them in their transition to adulthood.

Supporting patients and their family members

During the process, patients and their family members are prepared for the changes that will occur with the transition to the adult system and provided with tools for self-managing their disease and advice to ensure their social welfare.

Information and training

Patients and families are trained to fully understand the disease, its warning signs and its management. Autonomy, self-management and adherence to treatment are encouraged.

Advice on administrative procedures

Coming of age brings social changes for patients with disabilities. The Social Work team can advise on the most appropriate legal forms of protection, social services and adult services.

Inclusion of the patient in the process

Whenever the disease allows it, the patient and their family members are included in decision-making. The team seeks a balance between adequate continuity of care and meeting each patient's expectations for their future.

Follow-up and evaluation

The medical team and the case manager monitor developments throughout the process, assess the ideal moment for the move to the adult centre and act as coordinators at the different stages.

Health-care security

Coordination with hospitals in Catalonia ensures continuity of medical care so that, during the transfer from paediatrics to adults, the patient at no time loses the clinical care they need.

This process means that life carries on, which is always a positive thing. So how does it carry on? Well, we work to make sure that it carries on in the most dignified way as possible. Our families know that we will not let go of their hand until they have a hand on the other side that is waiting for them.

Eduard Pellicer manager of transitions at SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital

I have to be 'independent' with the treatment, without depending on anyone else. When I have questions, I contact the hospital and start preparing to make the change. I fully understand that treatment will always be part of my life.

Aitana atient of the A10! transition to adult hospital programme

Our typical patients (and their families) have a bond with our hospital because it has watched them grow and diagnosed and treated them. The challenge is to ensure that this relationship leads to their progressive independence.

Laia Alsina clinical immunology paediatrician at SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital