Through the Cuida'm programme the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital opens the door to hope.
Many families in developing countries fall into despair when their child is born with a serious yet curable disease that is out of reach due to a lack of economic resources. Cuida'm offers them the possibility of treating them at our hospital to return them to their countries either in full health or with much improved health conditions.
Thanks to donations, the programme can cover the expenses involved in each case, reaching an average of 20 cases per year. However, our aim is to have more resources to attend to the nearly 100 requests we receive each year.
Cuida'm in figures
Since its founding in 2004, Cuida'm has performed 434 interventions on children from more than 50 different countries. Several of them were treated in five heart surgery missions to the Hospital del Niño de Lima in Peru.
In 2024, the year in which the programme celebrated its 20th anniversary, 14 children were able to undergo surgery at SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital thanks to donations received from individuals, foundations and companies sensitive to the fact that the right to health is not a reality in many countries around the world.
Annual number of patients attended
Patient origin
Cases by speciality
General Surgery
Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology
Maxillofacial surgery
Neurology / Interventional Neuroangiology
Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery
Medical treatment
Urological Surgery
Our latest little patients
Submitting a case to Cuida'm
The Cuida'm programme of the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital offers the possibility of treatment for children from developing countries with a serious and curable disease, which they cannot access due to lack of economic resources. The goal is for them to return to their countries healthy or with a better quality of living.
Thanks to donations, the programme can cover the expenses involved in each case, reaching an average of 20 cases per year.
For the Cuida'm medical committee to evaluate a case, certain criteria must be fulfilled and the necessary medical documentation provided.
Criteria to enter the programme
The patient must be under 18 years old and suffering from a serious disease that:
- Is life threatening or has a significant impact on their quality of life
- Cannot be treated in their home country.
- It can be treated with a highly decisive treatment that, if further follow-up is required, can be carried out in their country.
- Requires a treatment that does not involve a stay of longer than three months.
Acceptance criteria
- Requires a treatment commonly performed in SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital.
- Has a favourable opinion on the case from a doctor at Sant Joan de Déu, who is responsible for treating the child.
- Be accepted by a medical assessment committee made up of experts in a collegiate meeting.
Essential documents required
- Application Form with the most amount of information required.
- Medical tests and reports.
The documentation must be sent by email to or by post to: Hospital Sant Joan de Déu. A/A Obra Social Infancia, Passeig Sant Joan de Déu 2, 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat. Barcelona
Reply to application
The decision of the medical assessment committee will be formally notified to the applicant by telephone or email.
If the case is accepted, the Cuida'm team will contact the applicant to arrange their trip to Barcelona, their stay and child's treatment.