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Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

Private Care - International Patients +34 93 600 97 83

Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

Passeig Sant Joan de Déu, 2, 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat

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PCCB Charity Fund

The SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital, thanks to the solidarity of the founding donors and of companies and private donors of the SJD Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona, has the PCCB Charity Fund.


The PCCB Charity Fund makes it possible to facilitate treatment for patients who have certain types of developmental tumours and who are referred by their oncologists in their country of origin. It also covers travel and maintenance expenses for the patient and an adult companion who is responsible for the minor.

Since limited resources are available, the number of children treated each year is variable based on donations received. 

Evaluation process

An evaluation committee studies each proposal received taking into account the following criteria for inclusion in the programme:

  1. The cases eligible for consideration are exclusively the following
    • Retinoblastoma, intra-ophthalmic artery chemotherapy.
    • Loco-regional (non-disseminated) neuroblastoma with favourable histology, surgery at debut or after the initial phase of chemotherapy (rest of the management conducted by the medical team in the patient's country of origin).
    • Wilms tumour (kidney tumour), surgery at debut or after the initial phase of chemotherapy (rest of the management conducted by the medical team in the patient's country of origin, including chemo-radiotherapy).
    • Hepatoblastoma (liver tumour), at debut or after the initial phase of chemotherapy (rest of the management conducted by the medical team in the patient's country of origin, including chemo-radiotherapy).
    • Sarcomas (bone or soft tissue tumours), surgery after the initial phase of chemotherapy (rest of the management conducted by the medical team in the patient's country of origin, including chemo-radiotherapy).
    • Hodgkin lymphoma at diagnosis.
    • Diagnostic biopsy of brain and spinal cord tumours that are not feasible in the country of origin (rest of the management conducted by the medical team in the patient's country of origin, including chemotherapy and radiotherapy).
    • Elective high complexity surgeries (non-urgent), regardless of location (rest of the management conducted by the medical team in the patient's country of origin, including chemo-radiotherapy). 
  2. Cases must always be submitted by the oncologist that is treating the patient in the country of origin.
  3. The follow-up care needed after the treatment received at CJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital must be possible in their country.
  4. The economic study of family resources.
  5. The progress of the patient prior  to the presentation of the case.

“It is essential that the cases presented are referred by the oncologist of each child in their country of origin. Understanding their previous treatment, as well as their progress, is crucial for the best assessment of each case.”

Andrés Morales Care Director of the Pediatric Oncology Department and the Neuro-Oncology Unit.

Submit a case to the PCCB Charity Fund programme

If you believe that any of your patients meets the requirements and you want them to be assessed by the PCCB Charity Fund medical committee, fill in the application form and send it to the address indicated on it.