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Partnership with City Cancer Challenge Foundation to treat childhood cancer in developing countries

SJD Pediatric Cancer Center partners with C/Can to strengthen access to childhood cancer quality care in LMICs (low- and middle-income countries).

SJD Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona and the City Cancer Challenge Foundation (C/Can) have signed a collaboration agreement that will support C/Can on technical cooperation and capacity development in its network of cities in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) around the world.

The agreement coincides with the opening of the SJD Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona, the largest monographic center in Spain and second in Europe in the treatment and research of childhood cancer.

Data shows that cancer is a leading cause of death for children and adolescents worldwide. In high-income countries, more than 80% of children with cancer are cured, but in many LMICs, the figure is around 20% due to erroneous diagnoses, late stages at detection, lack of access to therapy, abandonment of treatment, and side effects, among others.

An agreement to share knowledge in childhood cancer

As Isabel Mestres, C/Can’s Director of Global Public Affairs points out: “Children with cancer in LMICs receive less medical attention than adults with the disease, and sadly, the situation in most C/Can cities illustrates the challenge of providing equitable cancer care for children.”

Manuel del Castillo Rey, Director Gerente, Chief Executive Officer at SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital, explains: “Our alliance with C/Can reflects SJD Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona’s commitment to open to the world our service vocation and to ensure that all children in low- and middle-income countries affected by cancer have access to the care they need.” 

Through the collaboration agreement, SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital will act as an advisor for C/Can on global and regional childhood cancer matters, as well as nominating pediatric cancer experts to provide guidance for local project teams at the city level that will include workshops on setting up or strengthing a multidisciplinary approach to cancer care and standardizing clinical practice for the management of childhood cancer.

At the same time, SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital and C/Can will join forces to share expertise and knowledge to raise paediatric cancer awareness and expertise, as well as host C/Can cities’ experts to support their professional development at SJD through scientific visits.