Expert in
Management of Healthcare Institutions
English, Spanish, Catalan
Doctor in Medicine by Universitat de Barcelona, specialist in Family and Community Medicine and Master in Public Company Management by ESADE. Since April 2003 he has been the Chief Executive Officer of SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital, leading the institution towards excellence in paediatric care and research. Internationally, he has chaired the European Children's Hospital Organisation (ECHO) since 2020, fostering collaboration between paediatric hospitals across Europe. In September 2024 he was appointed president of the Comitè per la Reforma del Sistema Sanitari de Catalunya (CAIROS - committee for the reform of the healthcare system of Catalonia) de la Generalitat de Catalunya.
His career in healthcare management began as manager of Primary Care in Mallorca, and later he was the territorial director of IB-SaIud Balears and director of Fundació Hospital Manacor. In Catalonia, he was director of the Hospital Municipal de Badalona and general secretary of the Consorci d'Associació Patronal Sanitària i Social (CAPSS).
Dr. del Castillo has received several prestigious awards, including the Arthur Andersen Diario Médico, Bearing Point, Profesor Barea, Mercè Sala, Premi Nacional d'lnformàtica de Ia Salut and Health Revolution Award. He is also professor of health management at the Universitat de Barcelona and visiting professor at business schools such as IESE, ESADE and La Salle.
With extensive experience in leadership and innovation, Dr del Castillo has dedicated his career to promoting excellence in the health care system.
How to request a treatment in SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital
Our hospital is dedicated to comprehensive care for women, children and adolescents.