Through cooperation agreements, SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital works closely with other public and private health centres and institutions.
Spanish Hospitals and other healthcare systems
In the area of local healthcare we have the SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital-Hospital Clínic Agrupación Sanitaria (healthcare association),which currently enables us to work on common research projects and develop reference care units, some of which are recognised nationally (as CSURs – reference public health centres, services and units) and internationally (as ERNs – European reference networks). This association makes it possible to jointly care for complex patients and allows us to work on various different transition programmes to adult life.
Our Hospital also has partnerships with Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau and Hospital del Mar, ranging from care provision to hospital management. Also important is the cooperation agreement we have with the Andorran Health Service (SAAS), which covers the areas of management, teaching and patient care.
TOP 20 Hospitals
We are part of the TOP 20 Hospitals assessment programme, based on objective indicators obtained from data recorded on a permanent basis. The objective of this initiative is to improve outcomes based on quality, performance and efficiency indicators. More than 30 processes are analysed in eight clinical areas, including care for women and critical patients. The healthcare association formed by SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital and Hospital Clínic has been recognised on 22 occasions by this national assessment programme.
Centre attached to the University of Barcelona (UB)
Teaching, alongside research, is one of the pillars of SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital. Our association with the University of Barcelona (UB), one of the most prestigious in Spain in health-related studies, allows us to offer training in paediatric medicine and obstetrics. We are a nursing training centre associated with the SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital Teaching Campus, a nursing school attached to the UB. Healthcare professionals from our paediatrics and nursing teams take part in postgraduate studies and Master’s courses aimed at national and international healthcare professionals. Each year our hospital helps to train more than 11,000 professionals.
Catalonia's HPH (international network of Health Promoting Hospitals)
We work together with the international network of Health Promoting Hospitals & Health Services (HPH), a network headed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) Regional Office for Europe. The goal of the network is to promote health in hospitals, communities, institutions and governments. Hospitals that are part of the HPH participate in a set of strategies aimed at healthcare professionals and patients with medium- and long-term prevention goals. SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital takes part in recommendations on the patients rights in the HPH Catalonia network (Xarxa d'Hospitals i Centres Promotors de la Salut) as well as in international health promotion programs.
SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital international partnerships
European Reference Networks (ERN)
SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital forms part of the European Reference Networks (ERN) to improve patient care and to share information with other European reference centres. We currently have twenty two accreditations as a European centre of expertise working as a network with other health centres that are highly specialised in rare diseases. The objective is to improve the diagnosis and treatment of these diseases and provide the highest quality of care. ERN accreditation is granted to centres that serve as a hub for biomedical research and knowledge.
European Children's Hospitals Organisation (ECHO)
SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital is a founding member of the European Children’s Hospitals Organisation (ECHO). Made up of hospitals from across Europe and neighboring countries, ECHO’s mission is to advocate for children’s health and their access to the best quality care. ECHO does this by promoting communication, benchmarking, and networking between European children’s hospitals. By working together and building on the strengths of individual members, ECHO aims to help ensure children get the care they need while maximising the value of services we offer to our patients and communities.
Joint clinical simulation training program
On an international scale, our partnership with the Boston Children’s Hospital has led to us using the same training methods (Harvard Medical School Teaching Hospital). In addition, the Darwin Pediatric Simulation Program is associated with SIMPeds, the pioneering training programme developed by Boston Children’s Hospital.
Both centres also collaborate in the design, analysis and creation of new spaces in which the recreation of real scenarios makes it possible to study and make improvements before implementing changes in the hospital’s services and units.
Collaboration with hospital centers around the world
In the United States, we also currently have a partnership with the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) that is in the process of developing projects. In Latin America we have also signed agreements with Austral University Hospital, in Buenos Aires (Argentina), and Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe, in Medellín (Colombia).