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Call center 93 253 21 00

Monday to Sunday, from 8 am to 8:30 pm

Scheduling or change of appointment +34 93 253 21 00

Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

Private Care - International Patients +34 93 600 97 83

Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

Passeig Sant Joan de Déu, 2, 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat

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Un profesional conduce una sesión grupal de salud mental infantil y juvenil en el Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona

We care for the mental health of children and adolescents by seamlessly integrating a human touch with the latest scientific advances.

The Mental Health Area at SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital offers comprehensive, multidisciplinary, innovative, specialised and leading care in mental health to patients under the age of 18 and their families. This is provided in a committed, respectful and efficient manner by integrating all levels of care. In Catalonia, we care for 20% of the child and youth population.

We have more than 40 years of experience and our professionals are highly trained and capable of meeting the needs of children and adolescents.

Our clinical specialisation units in mental health care for complex disorders and emerging problems that require specialised knowledge. Our Clinical Specialisation Units (CSUs) are as follows:

  • Neurodevelopmental Disorders Unit.
  • Autism spectrum and social communication disorders.
  • Serious attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), secondary ADHD and ADHD with comorbidity.
  • Psychopathology in children 0-5 years of age.
  • Toxic addictive behaviour and behavioural disorder unit.
  • Eating disorders and related diseases.
  • Psychotic and serious affective disorder unit. 

Why SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital?

Our experience and social commitment

Our acquired experience and social commitment help us to innovate and spread our specialist knowledge.

Healthcare continuity

We work in conjunction with all Mental Health network resources and Hospital paediatric departments to create links with patients and their families, and to achieve the required healthcare coherence and continuity.

Hospital work

The activities at SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital complete the care offered by all resources from the Catalonia community mental health network and from the different in-hospital paediatric departments, as well as offering support to professionals.

Our collaboration with other departments

We have a paediatric diseases Mental Health Unit, which takes care for children and adolescents who suffer from other disorders and also require psychiatric and psychological care.

More information

Specialities and services

Related Units

Pathologies we treat

Attention deficit disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Substance addiction
Addiction to new technologies
Anorexia and bulimia nervosa
Early-onset psychotic and affective disorders
Child sexual abuse
Self-injurious behaviour and suicide
Depression and anxiety
Bipolar disorder
Post-traumatic stress

Treatments we offer

Assessment and intervention from 0 to 5 years
Gender identity
Psychological and psychiatric support in maternity
Child psychiatric emergencies
Psychiatric care for other paediatric diseases

Our professionals

Our children have a unique way of being in the world, and we help them to fit in.

José Ángel Alda Díez, psiquiatra, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona
José Ángel Alda Díez
Child and adolescent psychiatrist
María del Mar Ainoa Álvarez Segura
Child and adolescent psychiatrist
Josep Lluís Matalí Costa
Child and adolescent psychologist
Marta Carulla Roig
Child and adolescent psychiatrist
Ester Camprodon Rosanas
Child and adolescent psychologist
Daniel Muñoz Samons
Child and adolescent psychiatrist
Juan Jairo David Ortiz Guerra
Child and adolescent psychiatrist
Marta Pardo Gallego
Child and adolescent psychiatrist
Tania Prieto Toribio
Child and adolescent psychiatrist
Isabel Rueda Barcena
Child and adolescent psychiatrist
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Sonia Sarro Álvarez
Child and adolescent psychiatrist
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Diana Polo Rangel
Child and adolescent psychologist
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Margarita Ibáñez Fanes
Child and adolescent psychologist
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Maria Dolors Petitbó Rafart
Child and adolescent psychologist
Eduardo Serrano Troncoso
Child and adolescent psychologist
Eulàlia Piera Pinto
Child and adolescent psychologist
Maria Diez Juan
Child and adolescent psychologist
Agustí Bonifacio Guillen
Social worker
Mònica Sánchez Villena
Social worker
  • Jordi Juanico Sabaté, social educator.
  • Bárbara Corbella Santoma
  • Neus Elias Carbonell
  • Maria Elias Abadías

Outpatient services - Clinical specialisation units team

María del Mar Ainoa Álvarez Segura
Child and adolescent psychiatrist
Jon Izaguirre Eguren
Child and adolescent psychiatrist
Rebeca Santonja Serra
Child and adolescent psychiatrist
Javier Álvarez Subiela
Child and adolescent psychiatrist
Silvia Pérez Jiménez
Child and adolescent psychiatrist
Enrique Vicente Ameijeiras
Child and adolescent psychologist
Marina Vidal Oller
Child and adolescent psychiatrist
Marta García Acuña, psiquiatra del Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona
Marta García Acuña
Child and adolescent psychiatrist
Clara de Castro Miro
Child and adolescent psychiatrist
Natalia Albiac Mañe
Child and adolescent psychologist
Maria Ángeles Navarro León
Child and adolescent psychologist
Eva María Ortiz Jiménez
Child and adolescent psychologist
Teresa Rius Santamaria
Child and adolescent psychologist
Myriam García Blazquez
Child and adolescent psychologist
Salomé Juan Vidal
Child and adolescent psychiatrist
Olga Sabrià Ramiro
Child and adolescent psychologist
Liliane Dehont Giner
Child and adolescent psychologist
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Maria Isabel Laguna Freire
Child and adolescent psychiatrist
Pere Verges Balasch
Child and adolescent psychiatrist
Eugenia Gavaldà Vinzia
Child and adolescent psychologist
Cristina Gómez Minué
Child and adolescent psychologist
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Nuria López Paton
Child and adolescent psychologist
Rosina Portabella Atrian
Child and adolescent psychologist
Mari Carmen Pulido Andrés
Child and adolescent psychologist
Anna Aranda Reig
Child and adolescent psychiatrist
Núria Erra i Mas
Child and adolescent psychologist

Our facilities

Psychiatric hospitalisation unit

This unit, created more than 15 years ago, has been increasing its capacity as demand for admission has been increasing. Since late 2009, it has occupied a hospital annex called ITAKA, which has four floors each covering nearly 500 m2. Its facilities were designed according to a care model that seeks to become a leader in the field of child mental health and minimise the impact of hospitalisation on children.

Outpatient services - Clinical specialisation units

The outpatient services of the Psychiatry and Psychology Department are organised as specific programmes implemented within the department or in collaboration with other hospital departments. They constitute what are called clinical specialisation units (CSUs). These units, which belong to the Mental Health and Addictions Network, offer a portfolio of services complementary to community care resources and provide support in complex diseases and emerging problems. Outpatient services are located on the ground floor of the ITAKA building. They consist of 12 consulting rooms, a secretary's office, a multi-purpose room and a classroom.


Psychiatric emergencies are treated in the general hospital emergency department. It has a consulting room adapted for psychiatric patients. Since 1999, SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital has been the leading centre in Catalonia for psychiatric emergencies in children and adolescents (0-18 years of age). A child psychiatrist is available 24 hours a day.

Crisis unit

We treat patients who have arrived via the Emergency Department and need quick monitoring of diagnostic matters, therapeutic regimens and changes in risk factors or protection. Patients without a therapeutic link to the healthcare network are treated and this link is developed. After 1-3 visits, the patient is referred to the appropriate healthcare resources depending on the situation.

Residential Centre for Intensive Educational Activity

Residential therapeutic and educational centre for boys and girls under the age of 18 who have mental disorders that are particularly complex together with delicate social, family or clinical conditions.

More information

Emotional health and behavior: the impact of the pandemic on children

Salud emocional y conducta: el impacto de la pandemia en niños


The research conducted by the Mental Health Area at SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital is part of Neurosciences Research Line. Our research is carried out at the Sant Joan de Déu Research Institute (IRSJD).


SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital is a university hospital affiliated with the University of Barcelona. We share our knowledge and train professionals so that they may specialise in high-complexity medicine.

The Mental Health Area is a leader in training professionals specialising in these fields.

  • Specialised training of resident physicians (MIR) in Psychiatry.
  • Specialised training of resident clinical psychologists (PIR).
  • We give university training: Four of our professionals are associate lecturers at the University of Barcelona: two lecturers in undergraduate programmes and two lecturers in the Master's Degree in General Health Psychology. We help to provide training for the Master's Degree in General Health Psychology at Blanquerna University and the Master's Degree for specialisation in the fields of Psychiatry and Child and Youth Psychology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
  • Collaboration with the Borja Institute of Bioethics.
  • Collaboration with the Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona University School of Nursing.