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Locations and phones

Call center 93 253 21 00

Monday to Sunday, from 8 am to 8:30 pm

Scheduling or change of appointment +34 93 253 21 00

Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

Private Care - International Patients +34 93 600 97 83

Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

Passeig Sant Joan de Déu, 2, 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat

How to arrive

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Alexandra Avgustinova

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Expert in

Paediatric Cancer Epigenetics

You will find me at

She currently leads the Pediatric Cancer Epigenetics group at the Institut de Recerca Sant Joan de Déu. The goal of this research is to elucidate how epigenetic parameters impact the biology of tumor development and how epigenetic targeting can be used in the clinic and find synergies with established standard of care treatments.


How to request a treatment in SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

Our hospital is dedicated to comprehensive care for women, children and adolescents.