SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital is part of the Province of San Juan de Dios of Spain of the Hospitaller Order of St. John of God. This Order is a charitable/social non-profit religious institution, governed by Canon Law, its Constitutions and General Statutes. The Hospital is registered with the number 006839 and the Province with the number 006879, in the Spanish Ministry of Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Courts Registry of Religious Entities.
Management Committee
Our management team is responsible for controlling and directing the activities of SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital, ensuring the quality and excellence of the care provided by the centre and making certain that the institution's values are upheld.
The remuneration paid during the year 2023 to the members of the Management Committee for the management functions exercised for the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital is 1,322.1 thousand euros.
This section contains the internal regulatory framework governing SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital in terms of its legal operation, its ethical and moral guidance, the management of its professionals and their behavior belonging to a center of the Brothers Hospitallers of St. John of God .
These five documents contain the hospital's practice guidelines and set out the what, how, and why of all its activities.
Equality plan
The SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital 2023-2026 Equality Plan has been registered in the Register of Collective Agreements, Collective Work Agreements and Equality Plans of the Territorial Services in Barcelona of the Department of Business and Work with Code 08118232112023.