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Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

Passeig Sant Joan de Déu, 2, 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat

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System of purchasing and procurement

System of purchasing and procurement

SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital has a system of purchasing and procurement to ensure free competition and transparency in its processes, and takes into account the assessment of sustainability criteria, including environmental, social and economic policies.

In the process of purchasing any investment in the Hospital, free competition between suppliers is promoted in order to allow the selection of the most economically favourable offer. In this regard, the established purchasing procedure ensures at all times to:

  • Offer free access to tenders for all candidates.
  • Guarantee non-discrimination and equal treatment of candidates.
  • Guarantee an efficient use of the funds intended for the execution of works, the acquisition of goods and the contracting of services with the objective of budgetary stability and expenditure control.
  • To work with maximum transparency in the purchasing procedure, publicising it in accordance with the legal requirements applicable at all times.
  • Incorporate, in a cross-cutting and mandatory manner, social and environmental criteria whenever they are related to the contract, with the conviction that their inclusion provides better value for money in the contractual provision, as well as greater and better efficiency.
  • Facilitate access to contracting for small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as social economy enterprises.

In this context, different circuits are followed, depending on the regulations relevant to each investment or purchase and the contractual terms for each call for tender.

As a private, non-profit institution, SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital is not bound to abide by the Public Services Procurement Act (LCSP). It is only obliged to apply it when the established requirements are met in this law regarding subsidised contracts, or when required to do so by the agreements or conventions concluded regarding public sector issues.

SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital is bound to abide by the General Subsidies Act with subsidies granted by public administrations, that are managed in accordance with the principles set out within:

  • Advertising, transparency, competition, objectivity, equality and non-discrimination.
  • Effectiveness in meeting the objectives set by the awarding administration.
  • Efficiency in allocating and using public resources.

Financial subsidies with European Union funds are governed by the applicable community regulations in each case and by the national development standards or their transpositions.
Additionally certain criteria deriving from each specific subsidy’s own conditions are applied.

1. Investments financed by public subsidies

1.1. Hospital Renovations Plan (RP) investments

The centre is grant-aided by the Catalan Regional Government with a multi-annual subsidy to partially fund its Renovations Plan (RP). The tendering and contracting carried out to date are set out in the document entitled Justification for the grant received for the Renovations Plan for SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital.

The SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital uses the Tenders Service of the Catalan Health and Social Care Consortium (CSC) to publish all the information regarding open competitions. Pursuant to Article 63 of Act 9/2017 on Public Sector Contracts, all the information regarding the centre’s competitions is available to the public via the Contractor Profile found on the centre’s website.

1.2. Public procurement of innovation projects

The aim of public procurement of innovation (PPI) projects is to promote the development of innovative solutions to the needs and challenges of the organisation and provision of public health services. These projects should always have a global positive impact and introduce improvements in terms of quality, effectiveness, efficiency and equity.

The application of this kind of project is set out in the revised text of the Public Sector Contract Law and Directive 2014/24/EU, through tender procedures for pre-commercial public purchase, commercial purchase and association for innovation.

The Hospital collaborates with other centres of the San Juan de Dios Hospital Order - Province of Spain in advertising tenders for PPI projects in order to promote their use. 

1.2.1. Information on the call for tenders for public procurement of innovation (PO FEDER Catalonia 2014-2020, the Catalan ERDF operational programme)

Innovation is one of the main pillars of the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Under Europe 2020, the European Union’s European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) is a source of funding for the regions. 

Actions financed through the ERDF in the period 2014-2020 must conform to the smart innovation strategy (research innovation strategies for smart specialisation, RIS3) of each European region. 

One of the instruments of Catalonia’s Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3CAT) is the RIS3CAT Public Procurement of Innovation Programme, which aims to make the Public Administration an active agent of the Catalan innovation system by co-funding the Catalan ERDF 2014-2020 Operational Programme (PO FEDER Catalonia 2014-2020).

Health is one of the priority areas for action of the RIS3CAT PPI Programme. Therefore, with the aim of stimulating the implementation of PPI in the health sector, CatSalut has announced a line of funding for PPI projects promoted by organisations owning centres that form part of the Catalan Public Health Service (Resolution SLT/1913/2017).

As one such organisation, SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital, jointly with Consorci Sanitari Parc Taulí, is going to make use of this funding to carry out the Diabetes Centre of Excellence project. 

The aim of this project is to improve quality of care for the paediatric population with type 1 diabetes through a new integrated care model with the implementation of new digital technologies, intelligent decision support systems and new working processes that personalise care to the specific needs of the different subgroups in the target population.

Departament de Salut - Generalitat de Catalunya
Unión Europea - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional

1.3. Specific programme to support technological renewal–PERT- (AI)

By means of Order SLT/235/2020, of 31 December, the regulatory bases were approved for the awarding of subsidies on a competitive basis for the co-financing of investments in the renovation of health equipment and medical apparatus in acute hospital centres integrated in the integrated health system for public use in Catalonia (SISCAT) within the framework of the Specific Programme of Support for Technological Renovation (PERT) promoted by the Catalan Health Service.

The SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital has been awarded a grant under line 3 - equipment eligible for 70% subsidy for the renovation of the current MR d'1.5 Tesla, for an MR Ingenia Ambition 1.5T | Philips Healthcare. The investment in the course of the year 2021, considering the acquisition of the equipment and the work necessary for the adaptation of the spaces and its start-up, is expected to be 1,300,750 euros, including VAT.

As established in the specifications of the PERT programme's regulatory bases, SJD has committed to allocate 2% of the institution's total budget for 2022 to the Integral Technological Renewal Plan. This plan includes medical equipment (whether or not it is part of the call for proposals): information systems and machinery, clinical furniture, maintenance contracts and tasks, and the updating of infrastructures (works and installations) necessary for the implementation of the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital Plan.

1.3.1. PERT 2021

Through Order SLT/235/2020, of 31 December, the regulatory bases were approved for the award of subsidies on a competitive basis for the co-financing of investments in the renovation of health equipment and medical devices in acute hospital centres integrated into the integrated health system for public use in Catalonia (SISCAT) within the framework of the Specific Programme of Support for Technological Renovation (PERT) promoted by the Catalan Health Service (Servei Català de la Salut).

The Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona was awarded a grant under line 3 - equipment eligible for 70% subsidy for the renovation of the current 1.5 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system for a MR Ingenia Ambition 1.5T | Philips Healthcare. The investment in the course of the year 2021, considering the acquisition of the equipment and the work necessary for the adaptation of the spaces and its start-up, is expected to amount to 1,300,750 euros (VAT included).

According to the terms and conditions of the PERT programme, the hospital is committed to allocate 2% of the total budget of the institution in 2022 to the Integral Technological Renewal Plan. This plan includes medical equipment (whether or not it is part of the call for proposals): information systems and machinery, clinical furniture, maintenance contracts and tasks and the updating of infrastructures (works and installations) necessary for the implementation of the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital Plan.

1.3.2. PERT 2022

On 2 May 2022, was published the Diari Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya num. 8658 Order SLT/82/2020, of 25 April, approving the regulatory bases for the awarding of subsidies on a competitive basis for the co-financing of investments in the renovation of healthcare equipment and medical apparatus in acute hospital centres integrated in the integrated healthcare system for public use in Catalonia (SISCAT) within the framework of the Specific Programme to Support Renovation (PERT) promoted by the Catalan Health Service, scheduled to be announced during the 2022 financial year.

Resolution SLT/1978/2022, of 22 June, opens the public call for the awarding of these subsidies, within the framework of the Specific Programme of Support for Technological Renewal (PERT) promoted by the Catalan Health Service, for the period 2022-2023 (ref. BDNS 634515).

SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital has been awarded a grant of 926,178 euros to finance the equipment detailed below. The investment is expected to be made in the first half of 2023, considering the purchase of the equipment and the work necessary for the adaptation of the spaces and their start-up.

  • Line 1: 9 Multiparametric monitors for the Neonatal ICU.
  • Line 2: 1 High resolution ultrasound scanner.
  • Line 3: Computerised Axial Tomograph and adaptation of spaces.

In accordance with the specifications of the PERT programme's regulatory bases, the Hospital has undertaken to allocate 2% of the institution's total budget for 2023 to the Integral Technological Renovation Plan. This plan includes medical equipment (whether or not it is part of the call for proposals): information systems and machinery, clinical furniture, maintenance contracts and tasks, and the updating of infrastructures (works and installations) necessary for the implementation of the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital Plan.

1.3.3. PERT 2023

On 10 May 2023, was published the Diari Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya num. 8912 Order SLT/109/2023, of 5 May, approving the regulatory bases for the awarding of subsidies on a competitive basis for the co-financing of investments in the renovation of healthcare equipment and medical apparatus in acute hospital centres integrated in the integrated healthcare system for public use in Catalonia (SISCAT) within the framework of the Specific Programme to Support Renovation (PERT) promoted by the Catalan Health Service, scheduled to be announced during the 2023 financial year.

Resolution SLT/2273/2023, of 21 June, opens the public call for the awarding of these subsidies, within the framework of the Specific Programme of Support for Technological Renewal (PERT) promoted by the Catalan Health Service, for the period 2023-2024 (ref. BDNS 703326).

SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital has been awarded a grant of 224,060.48 euros to finance the equipment detailed below. The investment is expected to be made in the first half of 2024, considering the purchase of the equipment and the work necessary for the adaptation of the spaces and their start-up.

  • Line 1: 3 Electroscalpels.
  • Line 1: 1 Intermediate anaesthesia equipment.
  • Line 1: 4 Monitors of ECG, SA02, PANI, advanced FC.
  • Line 2: 3 Neurosurgery motors.
  • Line 2: 2 Traumatology motors.
  • Line 2: 2 Advanced echocardiographs.
  • Line 2: 1 Advanced general ultrasound.

In accordance with the specifications of the PERT programme's regulatory bases, the Hospital has undertaken to allocate 2% of the institution's total budget for 2024 to the Integral Technological Renovation Plan. This plan includes medical equipment (whether or not it is part of the call for proposals): information systems and machinery, clinical furniture, maintenance contracts and tasks, and the updating of infrastructures (works and installations) necessary for the implementation of the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital Plan.

1.4. Project for the continuous monitoring of chronic paediatric patients through a clinical command centre as a link with primary care, within the framework of the funds for the strategic framework for primary care for the year 2022

On 10 May 2023, was published the Diari Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya num. 8912 Order SLT/109/2023, of 5 May, approving the regulatory bases for the awarding of subsidies on a competitive basis for the co-financing of investments in the renovation of healthcare equipment and medical apparatus in acute hospital centres integrated in the integrated healthcare system for public use in Catalonia (SISCAT) within the framework of the Specific Programme to Support Renovation (PERT) promoted by the Catalan Health Service, scheduled to be announced during the 2023 financial year.

On 16 December 2022, the General Office of Health Planning and Research of the Department of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya approved funding of 2,272,000 euros to the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital for the implementation of the project.

The project is carried out in primary care centres in the Southern Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, in the primary care area of four rural counties in Catalonia (Alt Urgell, Alta Ribagorça, Pallars Jussà and Pallars Sobirà), in the Centelles Primary Care Centre in Central Catalonia, and in the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital.

The project to be carried out with these funds is the continuous monitoring of chronic paediatric patients through a clinical command centre as a linking environment with primary care, implemented by the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital in Esplugues del Llobregat, which consists of identifying the needs and opportunities for improving the quality of care in the care of complex chronic paediatric patients by primary care, which can be addressed by a digital monitoring environment associated with artificial intelligence tools that includes the design, implementation and evaluation of the technological proposal.

This project is linked to line 8.2 of the Primary and Community Care Action Plan 2022-2024: Full implementation of the recommendations contained in the NHS Health Strategies that refer to this area of care, dedicating the necessary resources for the same purpose.

2. Rest of investments

For the contracting of significant works that are not subject to any type of subsidy from public entities, the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital uses the private tender contracting model, a process similar to that of a public tender. In this process, suppliers are provided with administrative and technical specifications, as well as technical and financial evaluation criteria. This process ensures maximum transparency in procurement. These administrative and technical specifications detail the object of the contract, its characteristics and the evaluation criteria for the proposals received.

All bids are evaluated by a team of experts on the basis of technical and economic criteria. The winning bid is determined on the basis of the two evaluations.

Specifically for the publication of all information on open tenders related to the SJD Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona (PCCB), the Hospital uses the tendering service of the Consorci de Salut i Social de Catalunya (CSC). All information on the centre's tenders is publicly accessible on the centre's Contractor Profile on the CSC website.

3. Public grants for research and innovation projects

On the website of the Fundación Privada para la Investigación y la Docencia San Juan de Dios you can consult the information on public subsidies for research and innovation projects at the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital.

4. Other purchases of goods and services

The SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital has several interdisciplinary committees that assess the introduction of new consumables (Purchasing Committee), new drugs (Pharmacy Committee) and new equipment (Equipment Committee). Each committee is formed by representatives in the clinical field, who ensure that the products and equipment incorporated are suitable. The committees also have representatives specialised in economic matters, to ensure compliance with the financial budget.

Depending on the purchasing and procurement volumes, different procedures are followed.

  1. Purchasing sanitary consumables and drugs: For the purchase of medical devices and certain drugs that are used recurrently and under similar conditions (with no great variability in volumes and/or required technical specifications), the Hospital uses a combined purchasing platform of the Catalan Health and Social Care Consortium (CSC). This platform ensures maximum transparency and competition in the process of selecting suppliers, and achieves economies of scale in purchasing thanks to a centralised procurement policy entered into with other hospitals.
  2. Purchasing of other products: For the purchase of other products, general services and other equipment, a purchasing process based on the initial definition of the requirements is used, implementing a process of open and transparent negotiation with interested suppliers of a product/service, and with subsequent approval by the relevant interdisciplinary committee for the product/equipment finally selected.
  3. In general, the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital is not obliged to comply with the Public Procurement Act (LSCP). It is only obliged to apply it in relation to investments linked to the capital subsidy received from the Generalitat de Catalunya for the remodelling and extension of the Hospital. In this case, and following the clauses agreed in the agreement that supports the aforementioned subsidy, the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital applies the procedures required by the LSCP.