Complex surgery for tumor resection of an osteosarcoma with complete reconstruction of the extremity

Yaroslav, a 15-year-old Ukrainian teenager, underwent surgery at SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital to resect an osteosarcoma in his arm
In October 2022, Yaroslav accidentally hit his left arm and began to suffer pain, but at that time, the specialists in his country did not detect anything serious. After two months, the pain persisted and his arm was getting more and more swollen. After carrying out a complete study in a private clinic in his country, traumatology specialists diagnosed him with osteosarcoma, a malignant bone tumor that affects children and adolescents, whose treatment involves surgery and chemotherapy. With the results of a biopsy, this diagnosis was confirmed in another hospital in Ukraine, and in early February 2023, Yaroslav began the first cycle of chemotherapy.
As his case was so complex, the pediatric oncologist who was treating the patient in Ukraine (who had trained a year before in advanced oncology treatment with the team from SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital), contacted Dr Jaume Mora, Scientific Director of the SJD Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona. The professionals shared the case, the doctor sent the reports and, after Yaroslav had undergone four cycles of chemotherapy, the family decided that the best option was to operate him in Barcelona.
A complex surgery planned by a multidisciplinary team
A multidisciplinary team of professionals, made up of specialists in oncology and orthopedic surgery, planned the surgery that took place on 30th of June of 2023. The team of traumatologists surgeons led by Dr Ferran Torner, Director of the Tumor Unit, Infections, Dysplasias and Elongations, carried out a very complex intervention, lasting nine hours, as the tumor affected the boy's entire left arm. After removing as much as they could of the tumor, they did a complete reconstruction of his arm.
The operation was successful and the professionals were able to carry out everything they had planned. Now Yaroslav will have to follow the chemotherapy treatment to attack the tumor remnants that may have remained, and follow up with the medical team to see how it evolves.
The mother said: “We are very happy because in Ukraine we only had the option of amputating his arm, and Yaroslav did not want to hear anything about it. I am very grateful to the Ukrainian doctors who found the possibility of saving his arm by collaborating with SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital." And she adds: "I highly appreciate the high professional level of the medical staff at this hospital and the sophisticated technological equipment."
The patient's mother also highlights the good work of the doctors at the Hospital in Ukraine, whose care was very important to contain the disease and prevent it from spreading to the lungs, as well as the support she received so that they could operate her son in Barcelona.