In the Neurology Service of the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona we prevent, diagnose and treat disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system in children and adolescents.
We have a team of highly specialised professionals with extensive experience in all manner of childhood neurological disorders. If the illness affects other aspects of the child's health, we work as a team with specialists in other departments of our Hospital.
Intensive work is undertaken on research, which means that we are up-to-date with the latest technical advances. We are currently participating in 28 studies and 14 clinical trials, which enables us to make progress in knowledge on and treatment of many neurological illnesses.
Our care transcends neurological pathology itself, we identify the behavioural and cognitive consequences and offer comprehensive care to patients and their families.
We have specific pathology-dependent programmes. We have specialised units for the treatment of certain neurological illnesses, such as neuro-metabolic illnesses, muscular illness, refractory epilepsies, sleep disorders, headaches, developmental problems, disorders within the autistic spectrum, movement disorders, neuro-immunological and neuro-infectological illnesses, among other pathologies.
In addition, the Spanish Society for Paediatric Neurology and the University of Barcelona have entrusted us with the training of future paediatric neurologists.
- MetabERN, European Network of Inherited Metabolic Disorders, in which we coordinate a working subgroup especially dedicated to neurometabolic diseases.
- EURO-NMD, European Network of Rare Neuromuscular Diseases.
- ERN-RND, European Network of Rare Neurological Diseases together with Hospital Clínic.
- ERN EpiCARE, European Network for Rare and Complex Epilepsies together the Hospital Clínic.
- ERN CRANIO, members of the European Network of Rare Diseases of craniofacial anomalies.
- ERN-RITA, European Network of Rare and Complex Immunological Diseases.
- CSUR of the Ministry of Health as a reference unit in the treatment of:
- Refractory epilepsy.
- Hereditary ataxias and paraplegia.
- Metabolic diseases.
- Movement disorders.
- Neuromuscular diseases.
- Neuroectodermal syndromes.
- Network of expert clinical units (XUEC, in its acronym in Catalan) in genetically based cognitive-behavioral diseases in pediatric age and in inherited metabolic diseases.
Why SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital?
The Paediatric Neurology Department has been treating patients for almost 40 years and the prestige of its personnel is recognised throughout Spain and Europe.
We undertake basic and clinical research in a range of Paediatric Neurology subspecialties, taking an active role in therapeutic trials with new drugs and many European disease registries. This enables us to be familiar with the latest diagnostic methods and the newest treatments for our patients.
We work in a multidisciplinary way with other specialties within the hospital and with associations for parents of children who suffer from metabolic, neuromuscular or rare diseases.
Visits per year
First visits per year
Admissions per year
EEG recordings per year
2015 data
Specialties and services
Related Units
We use pioneering treatments and treat all neuromuscular diseases, particularly Duchenne muscular dystrophy and spinal muscular atrophy
We use personalised therapies to treat metabolic diseases expressed as neurological disorders.
We are a reference centre for the diagnosis and treatment of drug-refractory epilepsy.
We diagnose and treat inflammatory brain diseases that manifest in childhood and adolescence.
We diagnose and treat movement disorders, relying on research to improve treatment
We work in coordination with the school so that children with learning difficulties can develop their full potential.
We identify and treat insomnia and other sleep disorders in children to improve their quality of life and that of their family.
Tests we perform
Early Stimulation
At SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital, we have created the Early Stimulation Unit to diagnose and address developmental disorders as soon as possible in children under six years of age with cerebral palsy, psychomotor delays, multiple disabilities, autism and ataxia.
We are experts in Bobath therapy, the most widespread and commonly used treatment in Europe that treats cerebral palsy, and one of the few centres in Spain that provides training in it.
We have a specialised programme in cerebral palsy based on medical/surgical treatment of spasticity: medication, continuous intrathecal baclofen infusion pumps, etc.
In addition, since 2006, SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital has also had a centre for child development and early care to care for children between 0 and 6 years of age with developmental disorders, or a risk of suffering from them, from the municipalities of Esplugues de Llobregat, Sant Joan Despí and Sant Just Desvern (CDIAP Sant Joan de Déu).
Our professionals
We have the country’s largest team of Neuropaediatrics specialist professionals who are dedicated to patient care, teaching and research into neurological diseases in infancy

CDIAP Esplugues Team

- Noemí Llevadot Piqué (speech therapy)
- Sara López Villena (speech therapy)
- Cristina Micas Nystrom (physiotherapist)
- Marina Monguillot Alonso (psychologist)
- Verónica Moreno González (psychologist)
- Elisabet Solorzano Fabrega (psychologist)
he SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital's Neurology Department has several established research lines. Our research is carried out at the Sant Joan de Déu Research Institute (IRSJD).
Lines of research
- Phenylketonuria and other genetic defects of intermediary metabolism.
- Metabolismo energético mitocondrial.
- Applied research into neuromuscular diseases.
- Neurometabolic diseases affecting the CNS.
- Epilepsy Surgery.
- Movement disorders of genetic and neurometabolic origin.
- Neurogenetics and Molecular Medicine.
- Neonatal Neurology
- Neuroimmunology.
Therapeutic trials
We play an active role in therapeutic trials with new drugs for epilepsy and other pathologies (metabolic and neuromuscular diseases, movement disorders, multiple sclerosis).
Genetic research
We also collaborate in genetic research to identify new diagnostic methods and new treatments for Rett syndrome and other rare diseases.
Disease registries
We participate in a number of national and European disease registries.
SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital is a university hospital affiliated with the University of Barcelona, and so we share our knowledge and train professionals to specialise in high-complexity medicine.
Bachelor's Degree in Medicine
Training for students on the Bachelor's Degree in Medicine from the University of Barcelona.
- Professor and Chair of Paediatrics: Dr Jaume Campistol Plana
- Associate Professors: Dr Belén Pérez Dueñas, Dr Àngels Garcia Cazorla.
Master’s degree in Neuropaediatrics
Theoretical and practical training in Neuropaediatrics, aimed at graduates in Medicine specialising in Paediatrics and Neurology. The objective of the master's degree is to offer comprehensive training in the specialty through active participation in all of the department's care, teaching and research activities. Students learn the exploratory techniques that are used in the department, as well as how to apply complementary exams to neurological pathology in infancy.
Other courses
- Biannual Bobath course in Physiotherapy
- Annual course in Advances in Paediatric Neurology
- Biannual course in Neuromuscular Pathology
- Annual course in Epilepsy in children, adolescents and adults
- Course in Neuroectodermal Pathology
- Biannual course in Learning Disabilities
- Biannual course in Movement Disorders