Expert in
ADHD, learning and neurodevelopmental disorders, ASD, psychopharmacology
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English, Spanish and Catalan
My main area of development focuses on the diagnosis, treatment and long-term monitoring of different neurodevelopmental disorders, such as attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and intellectual disability (ID).
- Master's degree in child neurology from the Universitat de Barcelona, 2010.
- Paediatric specialist. Postgraduate School, Universidad de la República de Uruguay, 2008.
- Bachelor's degree in medicine and surgery from the Universidad de la República de Uruguay, 2003.
International experience
- Member of the Massachusetts General Hospital Psychiatry Academy since 2016.
- Accredited continuous medical training in psychopharmacology: Child and adolescent psychopharmacology. Massachusetts General Hospital - Harvard Medical School Affiliate (Boston), since 2016.
- Contributing member of the International Pediatric Stroke Study. Hospital for Sick Children. Toronto, Canada, 2005-2016.
Scientific activity
- ADHD working group, Spanish Society of Neuropaediatrics
- Working group on learning disorders, Catalan Paediatric Society
- Multidisciplinary working group on acquired brain damage, SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital (HSJD).
- Autism spectrum disorders working group (UnimTEA), HSJD.
- Consultant Neuropaediatrician, Neuropsychology Unit, HSJD.
- Numerous papers, oral presentations and posters at scientific conferences and meetings.
- Workshops and informative talks on learning disorders for parents and teachers.
- Author of a number of publications in nationally and internationally renowned scientific journals.
- Author of various articles and information materials of interest for parents and teachers.
- Author and co-author of numerous chapters of reference books in the field of paediatrics and neuropaediatrics, including M. Cruz; Manual de Pediatría [M. Cruz; Paediatrics Manual], Sleep Obstructive Apnea in Children and different treatises on neuropaediatrics and neurodevelopment of the Panamericana publishing house.
- Coordinator of the book: Accidente Cerebro-vascular isquémico en Pediatría [Ischemic stroke in Paediatrics]. Editorial Journal.
- Co-author of a FAROS report on stimulation of the developing brain.
- Lecturer on the master's degree in child neuropsychology. SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital - Universitat de Barcelona, since 2019.
- Lecturer on the master's degree in neuropaediatrics, SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital - Universitat de Barcelona, since 2012.
- Lecturer of various training courses and workshops on psychopharmacology in children and adolescents, since 2012.
How to request a treatment in SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital
Our hospital is dedicated to comprehensive care for women, children and adolescents.