Initial date
01 Jan 2008End date
01 Jan 2011Duration
3 yearsStatus
CommercializationMore info
idea@sjdhospitalbarcelona.orgThe project
Obtaining glial tumour samples used to always be a manual procedure in which the surgeon biopsied the tumour using forceps, then stored the sample of biopsied material in a container for subsequent analysis by the pathologist. While that continues to be the standard procedure for glial tumors, for the non-glial there are devices that facilitate sample collection such as a cystoscope and suction needles.
In 2008, a doctor at SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital and VecMedical jointly developed a tumour cell collector, a medical device capable of being fitted to a surgical aspirator and collecting all the tumour material aspirated during surgical interventions, separating it from other aspirated fluids.
The tumour collector has a sealing system to store the tumour safely until it is released for analysis by the pathologist.
Current status
- Patented (2008 application).
- Patent licenced to Janus Development in 2011.
- Marketed since 2011.
Internal innovation (Dr. Ioannis Roussos, surgeon from the Neurosurgery Department).