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Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

Passeig Sant Joan de Déu, 2, 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat

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BcnInnova and GazeLab Introduction

Initial date

01 Jan 2009



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The project

In the past, strabismus (a disease that affects 3% of the population) had a highly subjective diagnostic system that depended heavily on the specialist. This measuring system was so subjective that it caused second operations to definitively correct strabismus. 

BCN Innova, a spin-off company of SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital, has developed a device (GazeLab) that substantially improves the diagnosis and treatment of strabismus. Today, the number of second operations performed to achieve the expected outcome has been reduced. 

The main benefits are: 

  • GazeLab allows for an objective examination with revolutionary precision that exceeds the prevailing model of subjective measurements conducted up to the present.
  • It reduces the number of second operations by 50%, which are unnecessary surgeries.

Current status

  • Company founded (2009): BCN Innova.
  • Worldwide patent.
  • Marketed since 2013.

How to make tests with GazeLab

How to make tests with GazeLab