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Call center 93 253 21 00

Monday to Sunday, from 8 am to 8:30 pm

Scheduling or change of appointment +34 93 253 21 00

Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

Private Care - International Patients +34 93 600 97 83

Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

Passeig Sant Joan de Déu, 2, 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat

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Ecografía musculoesquelética a una paciente de medicina del deporta del Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona

We are the specialists that child, youth and women athletes need to do sport safely and healthily. We also attend adult athletes older than 18 years.

SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital and Barcelona Hospital Clínic have joined forces to create a new Unit of Sports Medicine in the city of Barcelona. 

The Clínic-SJD Unit of Sports Medicine is a private unit, the only of its kind in Barcelona, where we offer specialised care to adults, youth and children who do sports at school, amateur or professional level.

We have specialists with great experience in monitoring and treating athletes at organisations such as FC Barcelona.

In addition, the Unit has the support of two large centres in the field of healthcare, such as the Hospital Clínic and the Sant Joan de Déu Hospital Barcelona, in Cardiology, Traumatology, Endocrinology, Immunoallergy, and more.

We have state-of-the-art diagnosis and treatment techniques that are constantly being updated, which allows us to provide the best service in Sports Medicine.

Who we attend

We attend federated athletes, school athletes, recreational athletes, active people with special needs and patients referred from specialists.


We provide knowledge and comprehensive solutions in team sports, running, dance, skateboarding, cycling, skating, martial arts and other disciplines.

We are specialists in advising women on the practice of sport throughout the different stages of her life (adolescence, pregnancy, postpartum, etc.), as well as in the case of children and adolescents with illnesses such as asthma or diabetes.

Sports medical check-up

Certifies sports aptitude and rules out contraindications to doing sports. It is a health exam that serves to detect health risk factors in relation to doing sports.

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Stress test

Optimises sports performance by evaluating the state of health in situations of physical exertion.

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Sports nutrition

We help the athlete to improve their diet and customise it to their training workload.

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Physical therapies for health

Exercise helps us stay in shape for as long as possible and have the healthiest lifestyle possible.

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Injuries: Consultation and second opinion

Medical advice to the athlete, both on their physical or health condition and in the event of possible injuries.

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Women and Sport

We accompany women along the different stages of her life, through sport.

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Pregnancy and post-partum

Over the course of her life, a woman's body goes through changes often linked to hormonal changes. Supervised physical activity that is personalised to the individual's stage of pregnancy is going to improve both physical and mental quality of life.

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Sports chiropody

Whether you are starting to do sports on a regular basis or if you already do sports intensely, it is recommended that a sports podiatrist carry out a biomechanical study of your gait.

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Physiotherapy and rehabilitation

Through physiotherapy, our professionals seek the best solution to treat both acute and chronic pathologies, which require manual therapies for recovery.

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Physical therapies for health

Exercise helps us stay in shape for as long as possible and have the healthiest lifestyle possible.

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Other services

Musculoskeletal ultrasound
Ecoguided PRP
Intratissue pressure measurement

Where we are

Espai Epsilon, Calle Tuset 5-11, 6ª planta, 08006 Barcelona

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