Expert in
Physical Education and Sports Medicine
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Spanish, Catalan, French
The research lines that interest to me are related to Sports Medicine: prevention, diagnosis and treatment of locomotor system injuries during sport, functional assessment related to injury prevention and recovery and post-stress fatigue and recovery.
- Specialist Degree in Sports Medicine from the Universitat de Barcelona, 1990.
- Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the Universitat de Barcelona, 1984.
Scientific activity
- Injuries of the obturator muscles in professional soccer players. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. Wong-On M, Turmo-Garuz A, Arriaza R, Gonzalez de Suso JM, Til-Perez L, Yanguas-Leite X, Diaz-Cueli D, Gasol-Santa X.
- Can local corticosteroid injection in the retrocalcaneal bursa lead to rupture of the Achilles tendon and the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle? A.Turmo-Garuz, A. Rodas, G.Balius, R. Til, L.Miguel-Perez, M. Pedret, C. Del Buono, A. Maffulli, N. MusculoskeletSurg. 2013. DOI 10.1007/s12306-013-0305-9.
- Compression garments to prevent delayed onset muscle soreness in soccer players. Xavier Valle, Lluís Til, Franchek Drobnic, Antonio Turmo, José Bruno Montoro, Oliver Valero, Rosa Artells. Muscles, Ligaments and Tendons Journal 2013; 3 (4): 295-302.
- Trapezoid stress fracture in an international shot-putter: A case report. Heron, H. Verdugo, F. Turmo, A. T. Perez, L. Journal of SportsScience and Medicine (2012) 11, 768-770.
- Evaluation of risk factors for anterior cruciate ligament injury in high-level male football players. Ferrer-Roca, V. Balius, X. Domínguez-Castrillo, O. Linde, FJ.Turmo-Garuz, A. ApuntsMedEsport. 2013.
- Lesiones Musculares en el Deporte. Turmo, A. Biomecánica de la Lesión Muscular. In Balius R. Ed. Panamericana. 2013. EAN: 9788498357035
- Director of the Escuela Profesional de Medicina de la Educación Física y el Deporte in Barcelona. Universitat de Barcelona, since 2004.
- Lecturer in the Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatric, Radiology and Anatomy departments. Faculty of Medicine. Universitat de Barcelona, since 1991.
- Coordinating lecturer for the Master’s degree on Physical Activity and Health. Institut Nacional d’Educació Física de Catalunya. Universitat de Barcelona, since 2013.
- Master’s degree in High-performance Sport, Spanish Olympics Committee, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, since 1998.
- Master’s degree in Sports Physiotherapy. Escola Universitaria Gimbernat. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, since 1997.
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