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Call center 93 253 21 00

Monday to Sunday, from 8 am to 8:30 pm

Scheduling or change of appointment +34 93 253 21 00

Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

Private Care - International Patients +34 93 600 97 83

Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

Passeig Sant Joan de Déu, 2, 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat

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Medical procedures for Nephrology patients

We treat diseases related to the kidneys in the pediatric age group.

The SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital is one of Spain's most experienced facilities in treating childhood kidney diseases. In the Nephrology Department, we tend to patients from all over Catalonia. For patients from other regions who need a second opinion, we offer quick consultations with minimal time on the waiting list.

We have over 50 years under our belt being trusted and recognised across Spain, and more and more outside of our borders. We receive requests for specialisation placements in Pediatrics from medical professionals around the world, particularly from Central and South America.

We are co-founders of the Spanish Pediatric Nephrology Association and have been members since its inception. Likewise, we have a close partnership with the Spanish Society of Nephrology (SEN) in all aspects relating to childhood kidney diseases.


  • ERKNet of European facilities specialising in rare kidney diseases.
  • ERN TransplantChild for transplants in children.
  • CSUR accreditation for pediatric kidney transplantation and another in complex glomerular diseases.
  • XUEC for the provision of care to patients with rare and complex kidney diseases, created by the Catalan Health Service.

Why the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital?

Our multidisciplinary approach

Our specialists across several departments and units work together to offer the best care to our patients.

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Patients are always the focus

We adapt our treatments to the needs of the pediatric patient and their family.

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Specialisms and services

In Prenatal and Neonatal Pathology, we detect and treat diseases and malformations of the kidney and urinary tract (Nephro-Urology) in the prenatal period (before birth). We work hand-in-hand with the Neonatology, Obstetrics, Urology and Surgery Departments in the BCNatal programme.

In situations where it is not possible to get a kidney transplant before dialysis, we aim for peritoneal dialysis as our first option. Whenever possible, we reserve hemodialysis for patients who cannot receive peritoneal treatment, or when it is not indicated.

Diseases we treat

Lithiasis (kidney stones)
Hypertension in children
Hemolytic uremic syndrome
Acute renal failure
Tubulointerstitial nephritis
Neurogenic bladder
Chronic renal disease
Polycystic kidney disease
Alport Syndrome
Fabry Disease
Nephrotoxicity and onco-nephrology

Treatments we offer

Living donor kidney transplant
Peritoneal dialysis and haemodialysis


Victor Alfonso López Baez, nefròleg pediatra - Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona
Victor Alfonso López Baez
Nefròleg pediatra

Research and clinical trials

We are involved in various pediatric studies and clinical trials being developed in the industry or by the Spanish Society of Nephrology, including those deriving from other adult hospital services. In particular, we have a very close investigative relationship with Hospital Clinic Barcelona, with whom we research kidney transplantation.

Multicentre and collaborative studies


The anonymised data contained in these three patient registries allow us to evaluate the situation regarding kidney patients in Spain, assessing dialysis techniques and transplant results—organ donation, events that have occurred, duration of implant, rejections, etc. With these results, the National Transplant Organisation can compile its yearly public report.

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Collaborative studies

Transition to Adult hospital facilities, clinical trials, multicentre studies, etc.

We take part in the following national congresses: European Society for Paediatric Nephrology (ESPN), International Pediatric Nephrology Association (IPNA), European Renal Association (ERA), Spanish Pediatric Nephrology Association (AENP), Catalan Society of Nephrology (SOCANE), Spanish Society of Nephrology (SEN), etc.


The SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital is a university hospital affiliated with the University of Barcelona. We share our knowledge and train professionals so that they can go on to specialise in high-complexity medicine.

Specialised training for internal medical residents (MIR)

We are a reference centre for rotations of Nephrology residents from adult hospital facilities: Hospital Clinic (Barcelona), Hospital de Terrassa, Hospital Trueta (Girona).

We are a reference pediatric healthcare centre in the training of Pediatrics residents for their placement cycles in Pediatric Nephrology: Hospital Trueta, Hospital de Manresa, Hospital Virgen de la Cinta (Tortosa), etc.

We are a reference centre for training in Pediatric Nephrology for centres in Latin America: Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, Costa Rica, etc.

We train residents in Pediatrics at the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital in the Nephrology specialism. We carry out clinical sessions as part of our teaching plan. We offer the option of training in Nephrology in one of two ways: as per a long plan or a short plan. 

We have offered the first and only in-person Master’s in Pediatric Nephrology programmes in Spain, in partnership with the University of Barcelona (UB) since 2018.

We are an international training centre in pediatric nephrology as part of the Fellowship Program and a partner hospital for developing countries involved in the Sister Renal Centers Program, both of which are organised by the International Pediatric Nephrology Association (IPNA).