Rare Commons is a digital research project at SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital focused on the biomedical study of rare diseases that affect children.
Initial date
01 Jan 2012End date
01 Apr 2022Status
FinishedThe project
The initiative is based on an online platform that allows user interaction thanks to a dynamic of information, training and participation that simulates a virtual social network environment. Users are grouped by private communities of families and physicians that work together to improve scientific knowledge of the disease and describe its natural history. The communities are also a place of support among families and physicians.
Current status
- 8 outcomes discovered.
- HINNOVAR/Novartis Award (2012).
- Honda Award (2013).
The project has evolved to join the new Share4Rare platform, so the previous website is not currently operational.
Internal innovation (Dr. Merche Serrano Gimaré, Genetics and Molecular Medicine, and Begoña Nafría, hospital researcher).rna (Dra. Merche Serrano Gimaré, Medicina Genética y Molecular, y Begoña Nafría, investigadora del Hospital).