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Call center 93 253 21 00

Monday to Sunday, from 8 am to 8:30 pm

Scheduling or change of appointment +34 93 253 21 00

Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

Private Care - International Patients +34 93 600 97 83

Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

Passeig Sant Joan de Déu, 2, 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat

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Economic data

We make the economic information of Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona available to the public, as well as the details of the public subsidies we receive.

Audit, operating accounts and balance sheet

The SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital is a non-profit organisation that aims to secure sufficient funding so that it can continue its work.

The following documents express the auditor's opinion. The auditor assesses whether the 2020 accounts were prepared according to accounting principles and whether they reflect a true and fair image of the company.

Public subsidies 2023

Catalan Housing Agency (Agència de l'Habitatge de Catalunya)

  • Social insertion housing programme: 6,300 euros.

Town Council of Pineda de Mar

  • Subsidy Hospital Amic: 4,000 euros.

Social Rights Department - Generalitat de Catalunya

  • Subsidy to help finance the Hospital Espai d'Associacions. Cohesion between associations: 17,484 euros.

Education Department - Generalitat de Catalunya

  • Subsidy to help finance the expense of the Hospital Teaching Unit located at the Hospital: 30,084 euros.

​​Diputació de Barcelona

  • IRPF 2022: 77,620 euros.
  • TEVI 2022: 58,100 euros.
  • Social work 2022: 2,600 euros.

Erasmus MC

  • Project Edhen: 21,000 euros.

Generalitat de Catalunya

  • Subsidy for EMAS Departament Acció: 1,500 euros.
  • Subsidy for Metal Health Childhood: 9,915 euros.
  • Subsidy for economic aid to families in vulnerable situations: 13,712 euros.
  • State pact against gender-based violence: 1,495 euros.
  • Subsidy for the Sentim project: 3,137 euros.
  • Subsidy for the TEVI project: 28,405 euros.

Generalitat de Catalunya (Acció Agència Competitivitat)

  • Project Acadom: 21,744 euros.
  • Project Hospital Líquid: 41,504 euros.

HADEA (European Health and Digital Executive Agency)

  • Project ERN-METAB: 20,000 euros.

Ministry of Education and Vocational Training

  • ED Sanitary Units Project: 4,810 euros.

National Transplant Organisation (ONT)

  • Subsidy for certificates generated: 790 euros.

In addition, at the end of 2006 the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona received a capital grant from the Generalitat de Catalunya (channelled through the Department of Health) to help finance the remodelling and expansion of its infrastructures, in order to adapt them to the significant increase in the volume and complexity of its activity in recent decades.

The payment of this subsidy is multiannual (2004 - 2020) and is conditional on the execution of the committed works, which were completed in 2021. Attached is a copy of the resolution of the Department of Health corresponding to this subsidy.

Previous years

Public subsidies 2022

Education Department - Generalitat de Catalunya

  • Subsidy to help finance the expense of the Hospital Teaching Unit located at the Hospital: 18,295 euros.

Social Rights Department - Generalitat de Catalunya

  • Subsidy to help finance the Hospital Espai d'Associacions. Cohesion between associations: 19,954 euros.

Generalitat de Catalunya

  • Subsidy for economic aid to families in vulnerable situations: 17,826 euros.
  • State pact against gender violence: 32,126 euros.
  • Grant for the Sentim project: 2,461 euros.
  • Grant for the Espai d'Associacions project: 17,141 euros.

Ministry of Education and Vocational Training

  • ED Sanitary Units Project: 12,500 euros.

Agency for the Management of University and Research Aid

  • Industrial doctorate agreement: 7,200 euros.

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 

  • Quirofam Project: 54,015 euros.
  • Diabetis Innovative Public Procurement Project: 40,333 euros.

Catalan Housing Agency (Agència de l'Habitatge de Catalunya)

  • Social insertion housing programme: 5,400 euros.

​​Diputació de Barcelona

  • Subsidy for economic aid to families in a situation of vulnerability: 2,600 euros.

National Transplant Organisation (ONT)

  • Grant for certificates generated: 1,130 euros.
Public subsidies 2021

Education Department - Generalitat de Catalunya

  • Subsidy to help finance the expense of the Hospital Teaching Unit located at the Hospital: 20,907 euros.

Social Rights Department - Generalitat de Catalunya

  • Subsidy to help finance the Hospital Espai d'Associacions. Cohesion between associations: 19,000 euros.

Generalitat de Catalunya

  • Subsidy for economic aid to families in vulnerable situations: 17,791 euros.

Town Council of

  • Project Solidarity Dentistry: 122,461 euros.

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

  • Project Diabetis Innovative Public Procurement: 53,848 euros.
  • Project SAVE: 17.914 euros.
Public subsidies 2020

Education Department - Generalitat de Catalunya

  • Subsidy to help finance the expense of the Hospital Teaching Unit located at the Hospital: 20,731 euros.

Social Rights Department - Generalitat de Catalunya

  • Subsidy to help finance the Hospital Espai d'Associacions. Cohesion between associations 2019 - 2020: 34,449 euros.

Diputació de Barcelona

  • Subsidy for economic aid to families in vulnerable situations: 5,200 euros.

Generalitat de Catalunya

  • Subsidy for economic aid to families in vulnerable situations: 40,488 euros.
  • Project Prevengo: 6,400 euros.
  • Project TEVI: 33,200 euros.
  • Project Sentim 2019-2020: 12,825 euros.

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

  • Project FUSE 3D: 27,422 euros.
  • Project ADACOM: 26,963 euros.
  • Project HOSPITAL LIQUID: 32,048 euros.
  • Project STEPS: 44,334 euros.
Public subsidies 2019

Education Department - Generalitat de Catalunya

  • Subsidy to help finance the expense of the Hospital Teaching Unit located at the Hospital: 16,458 euros.

Social Rights Department - Generalitat de Catalunya

  • Subsidy to help finance the Hospital Espai d'Associacions. Cohesion between associations: 668 euros.

Diputació de Barcelona

  • Subsidy for economic aid to families in vulnerable situations: 2,245 euros.

Generalitat de Catalunya

  • Subsidy for economic aid to families in vulnerable situations: 16,000 euros.
  • Project Sentim: 4.277 euros.
  • Subsidy to assist in environmental management: 800 euros.
Public subsidies 2018

Education Department - Generalitat de Catalunya

  • Subsidy to help finance the expense of the Hospital Teaching Unit located at the Hospital: 17,509 euros.

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

  • Project QUIROFAM: 54,015 euros.
  • Project ADACOM: 11,563 euros.

Social Rights Department - Generalitat de Catalunya

  • Subsidy to help finance the Hospital Espai d'Associacions. Cohesion between associations: 13,589 euros.
  • Subsidy for economic aid to families in vulnerable situations: 2,000 euros

Diputació de Barcelona

  • Subsidy for economic aid to families in vulnerable situations: 2,221 euros.

Generalitat de Catalunya

  • Subsidy for economic aid to families in vulnerable situations: 20,000 euros.
  • Project Sentim: 5,670 euros.

International and private care and second opinion

As a private non-profit institution, SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital offers national and international private services, such as hospital admission and outpatient consultations.

We provide a wide range of general paediatric specialties (Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Traumatology, etc.) and highly specialised units that offer solutions to complex conditions, for which we are reference centre for second opinions.

We also incorporate services for which there is currently no public coverage, such as Orthodontics, learning disorders, an Adoption Unit and Sports Medicine.

For mothers and babies, we offer care during pregnancy and childbirth for women who opt for private medical care, and for mothers from other countries who choose our hospital during maternity.