Expert in
Low vision and prescription of visual aids. Visual rehabilitation for macular diseases and microperimetry
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Spanish, Catalan, English and Italian
I have previously worked in the field of low vision, specialising in visual rehabilitation for macular diseases through visual aids. I currently work at the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital where I have broadened my knowledge as a paediatric optometrist, dealing with various visual disorders typical in childhood on a daily basis, and thereby rounding out my professional career.
- Official Master's degree in Optometry and Vision Sciences. Facultat d'Òptica i Optometria de Terrassa, 2013.
- Diploma in Optics and Optometry at the University of Milano Bicocca, 2009.
International experience
- Study on Early Glaucoma Diagnosis at the Policlinico di Monza Hospital, 2009.
- Clinical observation of retinopathies at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Boston, 2006.
- Care for children with low vision and visual impairments at Perkins School for the Blind in Watertown, MA (United States), 2006
Scientific activity
- Presentation and prize for the poster "Rehabilitación Visual de la primera persona en España con implante del sistema de visión artificial Argus II" (Visual rehabilitation of the first person in Spain with the Argus II artificial vision system implant), at the Spanish Society of Low Vision Specialists (SEEBV) Conference. November 2015.
- Scientific publication "Evaluación y tratamiento de la ambliopía" (Evaluation and treatment of amblyopia). Annals d'Oftalmologia, vol. 23 no. 2. April 2015.
How to request a treatment in SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital
Our hospital is dedicated to comprehensive care for women, children and adolescents.