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Hospitality. Education and home care in Neonatology
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I am NIDCAP certified, which is a care model focused on development and family. This system attempts to reduce stressful situations for our newborns, and it involves the mothers and fathers in the care of their babies. When a newborn is admitted to the Unit, I contact the parents to offer them information and answer any questions they may have. On home visits I accompany the families and their newborns to conduct a follow-up. When I have free time, I like hiking in the mountains to help me recharge my batteries.
- University diploma in Nursing (1988)
- Postgraduate degree in Nursing Care for Children and Adolescents at the University of Barcelona (1991)
- NIDCAP certification (2010)
- Paediatric Nursing specialist (2015)
- Lecturer in Postgraduate Health Sciences at the Blanquerna Faculty of Ramon Llull University, since 2010
- Lecturer on the Master’s in Child and Adolescent Nursing Care organised by the University School of Nursing at the University of Barcelona, since 2005
- Lecturer on the Nursing Course: Training modules (group A and group B) organised by SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital, since 2008
How to request a treatment in SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital
Our hospital is dedicated to comprehensive care for women, children and adolescents.