The Social Work Service accompanies and guides patients and their families.
The Social Work Service helps families to adapt to new situations resulting, for example, from the birth of a child, the advent of disease or the admission of a child to the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital.
We work with all the Hospital’s specialities in all regards. Each medical speciality has its own reference social worker who offers accompaniment, social treatment and guidance adapted to each family’s situation.
We help all kinds of families.
- You do not need to be in a serious social hardship or an extreme economic situation to get our help.
- We give priority to families in the most fragile situation, who have to face up to serious diseases that have a major impact on the family, or chronic conditions, social risk situations, particularly those involving minors and pregnant woman, as well as families who are outside their regular setting.
Social Work Activity
Data 2023
We can give you support
We provide you with emotional support and help you to resolve any doubts and concerns in dealing with the situation and the possible changes in the family dynamics.
We offer you guidance on how to organise yourself to come to consultations and strategies on how address the new family needs.
We inform you an the accommodation available near the Hospital so you can be close to you child when he/she is admitted.
We inform you on the public benefits you may be entitled to depending on your child's heals, patients' associations and aid depending on your needs.
If you have serious problems which prevent you from offering your child the necessary level of care, we provide you with support to prevent a situation of social risk.
We are with you if you are concerned about the relationship with your partner, your safety, your baby's health and how to deal with his/her needs.
If you feel that there are unresolved aspects at home, we can provide support to plan the discharge and better organise the return home.
We contact the services in your setting (school, basic social services, Primary Healthcare Centre) to ensure ongoing support.
The Social Work Service collaborates with the Functional Unit of Child Abuse (ESTIM) of the Hospital. Jointly, a mutidisciplinary response is offered to cases in which there is suspicion of child sexual abuse.
Disponemos de una mediadora intercultural que trabaja para facilitar la comunicación y la relación con los profesionales de referencia, además de orientar y acompañar en el proceso.
We have an intercultural mediator who works to facilitate communication and the relationship with the reference professionals, as well as guiding and accompanying the process.
Resources for families
Some links leading to pages of the Government of Catalonia are available only in Catalan.
Families with children with or without disabilities
Displaced families during hospitalization
The door is open to all families, and the child is our focus.
Our professionals

Contact with Social Work
Lourdes Rodríguez García, Service secretary
Opening hours
From 8:30 am to 6 pm from Monday to Friday.
From July 15th to September 15th, Friday from 8:30 am. to 3 pm.
August, from 8:30 am. to 3 pm.