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Call center 93 253 21 00

Monday to Sunday, from 8 am to 8:30 pm

Scheduling or change of appointment +34 93 253 21 00

Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

Private Care - International Patients +34 93 600 97 83

Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

Passeig Sant Joan de Déu, 2, 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat

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Casa de Sofia is a hospital facility specialised in intermediate care for children with rare, highly complex diseases  or who are in an advanced stage of illness.

Família i metgessa a La Casa de Sofia

The benefits of the intermediate care model are:

  • specialised paediatric and nursing care. The overall management and treatment of patients with complex or rare diseases.  
  • Personalised therapies. We take an integral approach that not only covers the medical needs of children, but also their emotional, social and spiritual well-being, as well as that of their families.
  • Ongoing care. We ensure a smooth transition from the Hospital to the home, thus reducing the risk of hospital readmissions.
  • Family support. Preparing families for what is to come is a crucial part of our approach. We want them to be able to care for their son or daughter at home.
  • Family atmosphere. As a hospital ward with the same equipment, medical and nursing care as in the Hospital’s main building, Casa de Sofia has been designed to be a welcoming, comfortable place, where children and their families feel at home. 

How intermediate care at Casa de Sofia can benefit your son or daughter and your family

During a stay at Casa de Sofia, our team can provide:

  • Convalescence. We help children to recover from their medical or surgical procedures. Our aim is to stabilise their clinical condition and improve their functionality so that they are able to return home safely.
  • Skilling up families. We provide parents and carers with training and assistance in the treatment their children need, in how to manage medication, as well as how to use devices should they be required. This ensures that they are prepared and feel confident in continuing to give the treatment their children need when they return home.
  • Adapted environment and specialised care. When children with chronic illnesses show deterioration or a temporary worsening of their usual state of health (relapse of their illness), our team of experts works to stabilise their condition and send them back home as soon as possible. This includes managing symptoms and giving respiratory support, if necessary, in a hospital environment specially adapted to the requirements of our boys and girls.
  • Counselling. In situations of an advanced stage of illness or the end of life, Casa de Sofia provides highly specialised counselling in an intimate, peaceful family environment.
  • Therapeutic respite in stressful situations for families. If families are in a situation that they need time to rest, we provide integral patient care, with 24-7 assistance by highly trained staff, monitored by a healthcare team, as well as offering recreational activities to deliver the best possible care outside of the home. 

If you have any questions or require further information, do not hesitate to contact the healthcare team, which is there to give you support on every step of your journey.

A pioneering centre in intermediate care

Casa de Sofia is a centre run by SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital, promoted by the Catalan health service, CatSalut, and that works in partnership with Vall d'Hebron Hospital and the Parc Taulí Health Consortium. It is a key resource between the Hospital and the home.

Since it was opened in 2021, Casa de Sofia has contributed to transforming the care of paediatric patients with complex, chromic diseases who require palliative care. More than 600 patients have been looked after. The team is made up of more than 30 professionals with different specialisations who work in close collaboration, around 20 of whom are full-time experts in intermediate care. There are expert practitioners in paediatrics; respiratory medicine, for cases that require respiratory support; physiotherapy; psychology; social work and child life; and an officer from the Spiritual and Religious Care Service.

In addition to giving clinical care, the centre runs other activities, such as art therapy, animal-assisted therapy, music therapy and hospital clowning. Volunteers also provide assistance in individual and group sessions. 



Pacientes dados de alta a domicilio


Pacientes atendidos por convalecencia


Pacientes atendidos por subagudización

In 2023, a total of 285 patients were looked after.

Practical information.

Erola’s mother tells of her experience of her stay at Casa de Sofia

Testimony of Erola's mother, a patient at La Casa de Sofia

Our facilities

The centre has a net floor area of 1,274 m2. The reasoning behind its various spaces is to be able to adapt to the needs patients, their families and healthcare professionals. The rooms are spacious, light and designed to favour comfort and rest, in a setting with warm, child-friendly decoration. The ultimate aim is for families to feel comfortable, to the extent that rooms allow this, without foregoing 24-hour medical care throughout a patient’s stay, or the highly specialised treatment that this type of patient requires.

Fifteen single rooms.

The rooms are equipped with a hospital bed for the patient, a sofa-bed, a reclining armchair and an adapted bathroom. Four of the rooms are specifically equipped for patients who require respiratory support and monitoring, and two rooms are fitted out to do complex skin dressings.

Relatives room.

Space equipped with a microwave and fridge. The centre does not have a cafeteria, but a patient’s main carer is given meals at no cost to families. The room has areas for eating, working and watching TV.

Multi-sensory playroom.

There are toys at different heights so that all children can reach them, hammocks where they can relax and multi-purpose furniture for stimulating and distracting them.

Telemedicine room and robot.

A space designed for remote appointments with healthcare professionals whenever necessary.

Rehabilitation room.

To help in the physical and functional recovery of our patients, our physiotherapists draw up an individual care plan adapted to the needs of every child. 

A 260 m² garden.

The garden is set up so that patients are able to enjoy the outdoors, regardless of whether they have functional diversity and use devices to assist their mobility or if they must remain in their bed. The space has a play and picnic area, tables and chairs, and areas of sun and shade. 


Isabel Gascon Casaredi, neumóloga - Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona
Isabel Gascón Casaredi
Pediatrician specializing in childhood pneumology
Sònia Fernández Parra, enfermera, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona
Sonia Fernández Parra
Paediatric nurse
Montserrat Juncà Carrasco
Paediatric physiotherapist
Andrea López Erdozain
Paediatric physiotherapist
Teresa Gili Bigata, paediatrician, care coordinator
Silvia Asenjo Ponce de Leon, paediatrician
Amanda Domínguez González, nurse
Melody Galisteo Torres, nurse
Cristian García Isidro, nurse
Juliana Maria Bianchini Nogueira, nurse
Eugenia Mir Olmos, nurse
Marta Mistou Ferreiro, nurse
Violeta Pueyo Uruel, nurse
María Prieto Molano, nurse
María Luisa Montoya Calvo Rayo, nurse
Anahí Galan Moreno, nurse
Alejandro Douton Escamez, social worker

Find us

Edifici Serveis Sociosanitaris Sant Joan de Déu - Via Augusta 66, 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat

How to get there by public transport?
