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Call center 93 253 21 00

Monday to Sunday, from 8 am to 8:30 pm

Scheduling or change of appointment +34 93 253 21 00

Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

Private Care - International Patients +34 93 600 97 83

Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

Passeig Sant Joan de Déu, 2, 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat

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Emília Comas Carbonell

Emília Comas Carbonell, psicóloga, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona


Spanish, Catalan, English

I have worked as an infant and child psychologist and family therapist since 2007. In my first few years, I specialised in child mistreatment and negligence, and then in pediatric palliative care. Currently, I combine my care work with teaching at the university as an Associate Professor. In the field of research, I did my PhD in Pediatric Psycho-Oncology, exploring the experiences of children whose lives are threatened by cancer. 

From my point of view, the internal world of children is a mystery that never stops surprising me.


  • Doctor in Comprehensive Care and Health Services, School of Health Sciences and Well-being, University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia, 2021.
  • Master's in Health Research, University of Lleida, 2015.
  • Diploma in Systemic Infant and Child Traumatherapy, Instituto de Formación e Investigación sobre la Violencia y sus Consecuencias, 2011.
  • Postgraduate in Systemic Family Psychotherapy, University of Girona Foundation and Centre de Estudis Sistèmics Girona, 2009.
  • Undergraduate degree in Psychology, Autonomous University of Barcelona, 2005.

Scientific activity


  • Associate professor. University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia, since 2015.
  • Master's degree in Educational and Therapeutic Psychomotricity. University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia, since 2019.

How to request a treatment in SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

Our hospital is dedicated to comprehensive care for women, children and adolescents.