SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital has as its strategic objective to bring healthcare professionals and the institutions providing health services closer to children and young people in its territorial area.
Pediatric care in the Pyrenees
SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital coordinates paediatric, gynaecological and obstetric care in the region of Alt Urgell by way of the doctors cooperative "Pediatria dels Pirineus". Since the year 2009, this initiative allows healthcare to be offered both to primary care centres in the district (ABS Seu d'Urgell and ABS Urgell Sud) and to the Fundació Sant Hospital La Seu d'Urgell.
In 2017 paediatric care in the Pyrenees programme was extended to the districts of Pallars Sobirà, Pallars Jussà and Alta Ribagorça, where primary and hospital paediatric care are managed. According to data published by CatSalut, since the Pediatria dels Pirineus cooperative started operating, emergency hospital visits have reduced by 52% in the Alt Urgell district and the number of caesarean sections has gone down by 40% since 2012.
This management model, which is the first of its kind in Catalonia, gives greater prominence to professionals and ensures the integration of primary care and hospital care. A total of 6 paediatricians who move around the geographical area between Alt Urgell, Pallars Jussà, Pallars Sobirà and Alta Ribagorça ensure care for children and adolescents in an area of Catalonia where it was traditionally difficult to ensure healthcare coverage.
SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital, a strategic partner for paediatric care in these districts
The healthcare professionals who form part of this cooperative participate in continuing training courses given at SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital and come to our centre regularly to exchange views on their patient cases with our doctors. This allows close and specialised care to be offered, since the paediatric cooperative works with the same protocols as our centre.
The objective in complex cases is for the patient to be able to alternate visits between the hospital in their district and the reference hospital, thus avoiding unnecessary trips. Our hospital offers support during consultation and treatment of complex patients through in-person and online communication. The weekly online training sessions means there is permanent contact between SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital healthcare professionals and those working in the districts in the north east of Catalonia.
Pediatric care in the Pyrenees in collaboration with the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

Infection Surveillance System of Catalonia (SIVIC)
In 2022, the new Infection Surveillance System of Catalonia (SIVIC) is launched, integrating epidemiological surveillance of COVID-19, influenza and other respiratory viruses in Catalonia.
The new network makes it possible to analyse acute respiratory infections in real time, allowing trends to be seen and alerts to be triggered if necessary. This analysis is based on data recorded in 43 sentinel centres, primary care and hospitals, spread throughout the country and representative of the entire population. One of these centres is the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital.
SIVIC publishes the data openly every Tuesday. It is possible to consult the general data for Catalonia or for each health region.