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Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

Private Care - International Patients +34 93 600 97 83

Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

Passeig Sant Joan de Déu, 2, 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat

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Resident training

Find out about the training plan for residents and the MIR, EIR, BIR and FIR specialties at SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital. Get to know us and work with us.

Foto grupal de residentes de 2024 del Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona

The SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital is a university hospital affiliated with the Universitat de Barcelona. We are a tertiary centre dedicated exclusively to maternal and child healthcare. Our Hospital can boast the highest level of specialisation and complexity and we are able to provide the ideal conditions for delivering all aspects of training related to Paediatrics, Obstetrics/Gynaecology, Hospital Pharmacy and Clinical Biochemistry.

Our centre is accredited for Specialised Healthcare Training (FSE) in Paediatrics and Specific Areas, Paediatric Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology (MIR); Hospital Pharmacy (FIR); Paediatric and Obstetrics/Gynaecology Nursing (EIR), and Clinical Biochemistry (BIR).

We also collaborate with Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu in the training of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry residents (MIR). In this training, four of the five years of residency are carried out in our Hospital, in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Centres (CSMIJ) and in the Acompanya'm Unit.

Since 1986, SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital has had accreditation to teach MIR Internal Medical Residency Program, the medical residency programme for new doctors, and since 2012, accreditation to run the Resident nurse (EIR), a residency programme for qualified nurses. We currently have 139 residents of the different specialities and 34 tutors.

Teaching at our Hospital is essentially based around the following pillars:

  • Training of the resident in diagnostic and technical skills, through experience working with patients organised into a rotation programme. The supervised activity is reinforced with clinical case sessions, courses, specific workshops and theoretical methods.
  • Acquisition of communication skills through specific training in doctor-patient communication and preparation of scientific publication sessions in the hospital.
  • Consolidation of the ethical principles of the profession and the humanistic and scientific values that characterise our centre.
  • Basic training in clinical and experimental research. We encourage our residents to attend congresses and to participate in scientific publications.
  • Tutor-supported learning. Fulfilling the teaching objectives is helped by the support and monitoring provided by the tutor in the specialist area, reinforced by the head of each department with the supervision and support of the Teaching Committee.
  • Simulation program to train teamwork SIM4R. Program developed specifically for residents in which the main axes of teamwork can be trained throughout the years of training.
Residency campaign in SJD

Reasons to do your residency at SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

Volume and complexity of our patients

Residents gain highly specialised training thanks  to the volume and complexity of our patients.

Good working environment

We train residents to work in a multidisciplinary environment, to provide comprehensive care to the patient based on humanism and science.

Broad-based, up-to-date and flexible training

The teaching programme incorporates the most innovative techniques and facilities in simulation methods.

Safe residence

Safety is a priority. The 360º program aims to care for the professional in a comprehensive manner.

"It is important to fulfil the curriculum offered by promoting research and training without limits, but it is also essential to listen to the residents and work for their needs"

Elisabeth Esteban Torné paediatrician and head of studies at SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

"In the obstetric field, the hospital offers us comprehensive and quality training, which allows us to acquire solid experience that prepares us to face the challenges of the speciality with confidence"

Alejandra Martínez third year Obstetrics and Gynaecology resident (R3) at SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

"I chose paediatrics because it allows you to experience very special moments with children and their families and it is very interesting to enjoy this contact"

Albert Castelló third-year Pediatric resident (R3) at SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

"As SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital is a third level hospital, the care for women is both high and low risk, and this means that we acquire knowledge that we could not have elsewhere"

Gina Fernández first year resident midwife (R1) at SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

"Residents at the Hospital also do research. They offer us specific classes and encourage and help us to write our own articles and posters"

Teresa Logroño first year resident in Child Psychiatry (R1) at SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

"The possibility of doing external rotations, attending congresses, taking training courses or doing my PhD at the centre made me choose SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital"

Miguel Ángel Mengual second year clinical biochemistry resident (R2) at SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

"I chose SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital because every corner is designed for children, it has powerful and specific services and because they are committed to research"

Marina González second year paediatric nursing resident (R2) at SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

"This hospital is big enough to deal with complex cases, but also with general paediatric cases. This combination allows us to recieve a very complete training"

Aina Seguí fourth-year Pediatric resident (R4) at SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

Teaching Committee

The Teaching Committee is regulated by Royal Decree 127/84 and its function is to organise the resident training and supervise its practical application, while ensuring the programme objectives for the different specialist areas are met and establishing a committee for the assessment of each of the residents in training.

The SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital Teaching Committee is also responsible for continuous training sessions. The Committee is chaired by the Head of Studies and is made up of tutors and representatives of the residents in training. There is one representative from each intake of residents on the Committee.