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Locations and phones

Call center 93 253 21 00

Monday to Sunday, from 8 am to 8:30 pm

Scheduling or change of appointment +34 93 253 21 00

Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

Private Care - International Patients +34 93 600 97 83

Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

Passeig Sant Joan de Déu, 2, 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat

How to arrive

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Payment terms for international patients

While 100% of the medical care budget must be paid in advance, if, at the time of discharge, if 100% of the budget has not been used up, the remaining deposit will be returned to the payers. 

Likewise, if the medical treatment program changes during the treatment, due to patient's clinical situation, the deposit amount will need to reflect the changes accordingly. The budget will be reviewed and, if necessary, the family will be asked to increase their deposit before proceeding with further treatment. 

We recommend payment by bank transfer or credit/debit card. In accordance with current Spanish regulations, cash payment may not exceed 10,000 euros. It is not permitted to combine this form of payment with other methods of payment. 

Regarding insurance companies, SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital has agreements with various of them.

Insurance companies may arrange all existing services with the hospital or only authorise specific ones. Carefully review the terms of your health insurance policy and check with your insurance company about your coverage to confirm that the care that you request (visit, treatment, emergencies, etc.) is covered by your insurer at SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital.

If you need to request more information, contact your insurance company or write to us.