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Monday to Sunday, from 8 am to 8:30 pm

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Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

Private Care - International Patients +34 93 600 97 83

Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

Passeig Sant Joan de Déu, 2, 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat

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Análisis de muestras de extracción en el Laboratorio del Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona

We collect and analyse patient samples in order to provide useful information for the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of each disease

The Laboratory Department at SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital provides relevant information for the clinical diagnosis and the therapeutic monitoring or follow-up of each patient. From the analysis of various biological samples, we issue the reports on which the medical specialists base their decisions.

The laboratory team is made up of specialists in Haematology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Genetics and Transfusion Medicine who serve all areas of the hospital. They carry out their activities observing strict quality controls and in three operational process phases:

  • Pre-analytical phase: our work materials are biological samples of varied origin (blood, biological fluids, urine, faeces, etc.). Their correct collection, storage and preparation prior to analysis are determining factors for the reliability of the information obtained at the end of the process. The most common type of sample is blood collected by venipuncture (blood extraction).
  • Analytical phase: the analytical methods that are used cover a wide variety of laboratory techniques. Some of them require significant manual work while others are completely automated. All  require specialist technical personnel, the correct maintenance of each of the instruments involved and the application of quality controls.
  • Post-analytical phase: all results obtained are supervised, evaluated and interpreted by specialists from each clinical area of the laboratory, who are part of the medical teams treating each patient.  

Quality assurance

We are UNE-EN ISO 9001 certified since 2002, and this is periodically revalidated by AENOR. Since 2007, a wide range of special techniques have been accredited by standard UNE-EN ISO 15189, which acknowledges the quality and technical competence of the laboratory in their conduct and whose validity is renewed periodically by ENAC.

Why SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital?

The Laboratory is integrated into the care dynamics of SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital as a central service and our specialist physicians are part of the teams that directly care for patients.

The Laboratory has the capacity to run any type of test, although we are focused on the care of paediatric patients and pregnant women.

Although our main mission is to perform tests, we also dedicate resources to two areas that we consider essential to improving clinical practice: research and teaching.

Adapting the procedures to paediatric patients

A fundamental part of our activity is the collection of blood samples, so we are especially sensitive to the particular needs of children and their families in relation to this process. We apply adapted procedures to make blood draws as non-traumatic as possible for them. Moreover, our tests are performed with as little sample as possible.

Use of different techniques for maximum operability

The Laboratory's Emergency Department implements a broad range of techniques that go beyond the strictly urgent ones, constituting a true real-time or rapid response laboratory that is fully equipped to resolve requests in a short time. Our aim is that the tests are not a limiting factor in the care process.

Specialisation of equipment and use of advanced technology

The Laboratory has the capacity to perform highly specialised tests in the various clinical areas: haematology, biochemistry, microbiology and genetics. The instruments' repertoire includes high and ultra-high-resolution chromatography equipment, flow cytometry, microscopes and imaging systems,  high-capacity automated analysers and genetic analysis platforms, among others, that are adapted to the specific demand of a high-complexity hospital.

Participation in research and training projects

Laboratory professionals lead or participate in various research projects, within the framework of the Sant Joan de Déu Foundation programmes, with the aim of translating results to daily activities that improve clinical practice. Moreover, the training of residents, undergraduate students and students in training cycles is a commitment to the profession and an activity that requires being up to date with any technical and clinical advances. 

Specialties and services

We study different types of sample using different techniques. We work closely with all medical departments of the Hospital

  • Haematology

Study of blood and bone marrow samples using cytological, biochemical, molecular biology and flow cytometry techniques. Diagnosis and monitoring of haematological diseases (cancer, coagulation disorders and other blood disorders).

  • General biochemistry

Analysis of different sample types in multiple pathophysiological states: ionic and gas homeostasis, hepatic, renal and gastrointestinal function, hormones, drug monitoring, toxic detections, allergies, coeliac disease, etc.

  • Biochemistry of metabolic disorders

We analyse samples of blood, urine and cerebrospinal fluid using high-resolution biochemical techniques for the diagnosis of inherited metabolic disorders.

  • Microbiology

We process and analyse a broad range of biological samples using culture techniques and classical or molecular biology identification, in order to determine the microbial load they contain.

  • Genetics

We diagnose diseases caused by genetic alterations. We use state-of-the-art technology for genome study such as massive sequencing and CGH arrays (biochips).

  • Transfusion medicine

We manage stocks of blood products and perform tests to ensure compatibility with the recipient of the transfusion. We perform transfusion medicine procedures (plasmatic replacement, leukapheresis, etc.).

Our professionals

From our field we put technology and knowledge at the service of clinical decisions.

Montserrat Torrebadell Burriel
Laura Altimira Queral
Clinical biochemist
Amadeu Gené Giralt
Clinical microbiologist and parasitologist
Araceli González Cuevas
Clinical microbiologist and parasitologist
Manuel Monsonís Cabedo
Clinical Microbiologist and Parasitologist
Adrián Alcalá San Martin
Genetics biologist
Ana Valls Lafont
Clinical biochemist
Jesús Velasco Rodríguez
Clinical biochemist