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Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

Passeig Sant Joan de Déu, 2, 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat

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Clinical Research
Equipo de laboratorio de investigación trabajando en el Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona

Our aim is to facilitate the work of researchers, laboratories and companies who need to assess the efficacy of treatments and products.

Forming part of the Sant Joan de Déu Research Institute, and with over 74 researchers and a staff of 24 professionals, the Unit focuses on two aspects. On the one hand, we conduct tests on new medical devices to ensure their suitability for paediatric use, on the other hand, we conduct clinical trials to investigate the effects of a treatment of medicine in children and adolescents.

None of this would be possible without the collaboration of the children and their families, who place their trust in us to make progress in research into treatments which may result in the cure for illnesses or improve the quality of life for paediatric patients.

Why SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital?

All specialties

We are the only paediatric unit in Spain that includes all the specialities and we are leaders at a state-wide level. This enables us to have a higher volume of patients and trials and therefore our results are very representative.

A large number of clinical trials

Since 2012 we have doubled the number of clinical trials in which we participate. We are currently involved in almost 150 trials in more than 30 research fields, which is a remarkable number in the paediatric setting. 

Centralized management and coordination model

We have a centralised coordination and management model of trials and studies, with both our own and external sponsors. This enables us to provide more effective advice in the conduct of non-commercial clinical trials and to facilitate a single point of contact to external trials sponsors thus centralising management.

Specialist team and exclusive dedication

Our team is composed of specialists in clinical research who are fully dedicated. We have facilities that are specially designed to accommodate patients and families who participate in clinical innovations and trials. This enables us to provide a more personal service throughout the process and to give you all the support you need.

Our professionals

The professionals at the Clinical Research Unit of the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital accompany patients and their families through the entire clinical trial process, assessing them and resolving any questions that may arise.

Likewise, they advise the investigators and perform management activities required to conduct the trials (legal and regulatory procedures, sample extractions, administration of treatments and data entry), with a “single window” approach.

We have a multidisciplinary team of highly qualified professionals, trained in Good Clinical Practice.

Clinical Research Unit Team
  • Joana Claverol Torres, Unit Coordinator.
  • Alba Murciano, SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital Pharmacy.
  • Joan Vinent, SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital Pharmacy.
  • Marta Cubells, research nurse.
  • Cristina Llanos, research nurse.
  • Mari Molero, research nurse.
  • Marta Sánchez, research nurse.
  • Laura Solé, research nurse.
  • Sandra López, research nurse.
  • Ainhoa Andueza, project manager.
  • Rosa Morales, financial management.

Information for families on clinical trials

The SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital is the leading state centre in paediatric clinical trials, thanks to the cooperation of patients and families. Clinical trials with treatments and drugs are essential for us to be sure of their efficacy and suitability for paediatric use.

Children and adolescents are indispensable in research into their health and can make an active contribution to major advances. Moreover, thanks to clinical trials, sick children can benefit from a treatment option that hitherto did not exist.

Participating in a clinical trial is conditioned upon the patients and their families having all the information they need to take important decisions. Find out more about what clinical trials are, how they are performed, how to participate and other relevant info.

Participation in a clinical trial

What is a clinical trial?

A clinical trial is a study which investigates the effects of a medicinal product or treatment on people. In the case of the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital, we focus our trials on children and adolescents. 

In order for a medical product to be authorised and used on people, it must be subjected to clinical trials, which is the most rigorous and reliable way of ascertaining the quantity, efficacy, safety and side effects of drugs.

What does a clinical trial entail?

Normally, in a clinical trial, two treatments or drugs are compared - the one under study and another already known drug, or an inactive substance, also known as placebo. Neither the parents and children nor the investigators themselves know which treatment the patient receives, to avoid skewed results. There is usually an anonymous draw to assign the treatment to the patient.

Regulatory agents linked to drug authorizations, as Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and European Medicines Agency (EMA), determine the design of clinical trials and, therefore, the use or non-use of placebo. In oncology or ultra-rare disease studies, it is common for placebo not to be used and for the study to be conducted directly on the drug.

Why is it important to conduct clinical trials on children and adolescents?

Children are not simply small adults, drugs and treatments may have different effects than on grown-ups. The majority of treatments administered to paediatric patients have not previously been tested on children, owing to which, it can be difficult to determine the correct dose, the safety thereof, or the side effects which may appear. Moreover, children grow and change very quickly, which means that the doses and administration guidelines for medicines change in each stage of the patient growth (from 0 to 18 years of age). 

For this reason the European Union health authorities resolved to allow an increase in paediatric clinical trials in a regulated setting.

How can clinical trials help? What practical application do they have?

Clinical trials are important because they help researchers and doctors to find new treatments:

  • For illnesses which only occur in childhood and adolescence.
  • For illnesses which also appear in adults but which manifest themselves differently in children.
  • Which help to improve children's quality of life

Clinical trials can also help us to understand the differences caused by growth and development in children, and thus to be more precise when calculating the dose of the drug to be administered to patients in each stage of growth, without giving rise to side effects. Finally, they enable us to create drugs which children can take easily, in different formats (chewing gum, syrups, etc.).

Who ensures the safety of clinical trials?

At the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital, clinical trials are reviewed and approved by the San Juan de Dios Foundation's Independent Ethics Committee and the Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices (AEMPS).

Additionally, we apply all the legal procedures and control systems stipulated by Spanish legislation for clinical trials on medical products for human use.

Participating in a clinical trial at the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

Can my child participate in a clinical trial at the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital?

En un ensayo clínico de nuestro centro pueden participar todos aquellos niños y niñas, pacientes o no del Hospital, que cumplan los requisitos del estudio clínico que se quiere realizar. Estamos hablando de edad, peso, género, enfermedad a estudiar, tratamientos que recibe actualmente y cualquier otro que se especifique. 

El médico de referencia del paciente puede ayudar a determinar si tu hijo o hija puede ser candidato a participar en uno de nuestros ensayos.

La participación en un ensayo clínico siempre se realiza de forma voluntaria y altruista.

What benefits or risks may arise in a clinical trial?

When conducting a clinical trial, it is hoped that the treatment under study will provide benefits, such as being more effective than other treatments, or even that it may cure an illness. Nonetheless, it cannot be guaranteed that the child will receive the study drug, since there is normally a random selection process by means of which each patient is assigned either the drug under study, another already known one or an inactive substance (placebo), making it possible to obtain valid, reliable results. Exceptions exist in clinical trials, for example, in some studies of cancer treatments or ultra-rare diseases.

There is also the possibility of your child suffering from side effects from the administration of the treatment under study, even though clinical trials are specially designed to ensure the minimum possible risk for participating patients.

What tests and procedures may be performed on my child?

The first is ascertain whether your child is eligible to participate in a specific clinical trial, depending in the inclusion and exclusion criteria that have been defined (age, weight, current medication, etc.).

If your child is eligible, the doctor will give you all the information on how the clinical trial is going to be conducted, and you will need to sign a document called an informed consent form, in which all the details of the procedures to be carried out during the study (which may include additional tests to those usually performed) will be explained.

What is an informed consent form?

It is a document which must be signed by the family and the child (if over 12 years of age) indicating your agreement to participate in a clinical trial.

A number of different aspects are explained in the informed consent form: that your participation is voluntary, the reasons for conducting the clinical trial, which procedures are going to be performed and for how long, the possible risks and benefits of participating in the study and, finally, other treatments available.

What clinical trials are being conducted by the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital?

Currently, the Hospital participates in clinical trials of more than 30 research areas. We invite you to consult those areas in the Sant Joan de Déu Research Institute website.

“Children are not small adults and they deserve to be treated and cured with effective, safe drugs when they are sick. This is why paediatric clinical trials are necessary.”

Joana Claverol Torres coordinator of the Clinical Research Unit



Children and adolescents participating in clinical trials


Diseases we study


Clinical trials


Observational studies


Clinical Research projects


Clinical innovation projects


Principal investigators leading trials

Information for professionals

We invite you to browse the information provided by the Sant Joan de Déu Research Institute to healthcare professionals about our services and the clinical trials we conduct, as well as other information we believe will be of interest to you.

KIDS Barcelona Project

KIDS Barcelona is a project spearheaded by the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital that turns children and young people into advisers in order to improve the medical innovation and methods related to them and to adapt the information received about procedures that affect them to their capacities and their level of understanding.

If you want to know more about this project, we invite you to visit the website of the project.

KIDS Barcelona: young person’s advisory group

KIDS Barcelona: young person’s advisory group

We explain what are the clinical trials to children and adolescents

Clinical trials for children are different from studies aimed at adults and have their own particularities. The education of young patients is essential, in order to anticipate and prepare their participation, but also to help them in their decision-making process.

In Spain, children over the age of 12 should, along with their parents or guardians, record their compliance to participate in a study of a new therapeutic option.

We explain it in this video, which has been developed with the collaboration of the Scientific Council of adolescents of the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital.

Clinical trials explained for kids (caption in english)

Explicando a niños los ensayos clínicos

Agreements and partnerships

In pediatric clinical research, cooperation between national and international institutions is indispensable. Our Unit has established agreements and alliances for cooperating with reference organisations, which allows us to push forward in research into drugs and treatments for children and adolescents.