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Monday to Sunday, from 8 am to 8:30 pm

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Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

Private Care - International Patients +34 93 600 97 83

Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

Passeig Sant Joan de Déu, 2, 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat

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Anesthesia Induction at SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

In the Anesthesiology Department, we work to ease the anxiety of pediatric patients during the pre- and post- surgical period, as well as that of mothers during childbirth.

We specialise in caring for both children and women before, during and after surgical operations. Our goal is to avoid patient pain in a safe environment, surrounded by family.

We handle all surgical interventions in children, from newborns to 18 years old, as well as women of any age throughout their entire obstetric and gynecological journey.

Our team is made up of doctors and nurses who specialise in anesthesiology. Alongside our surgical specialists, we tend to scheduled and emergency patients 24 hours a day, both in Spain and abroad.

Anesthesia procedure

Before surgery

We carry out a medical assessment of the patient to ensure that they are indicated for the surgical operation. We provide anti-anxiety measures to both children and their family before any operation, thus avoiding long-term effects that could be provoked by mishandling their fears.

Parents are present during anesthesia administration

Presencia de los padres durante la inducción a la anestesia en el Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona

During anesthesia procedures

We make sure patients are in the safest of conditions using techniques that are adapted to each process, whether that is routine or specialised surgery. We provide individualised pain relief during and after surgery to manage pain.

Alongside Women's Health, we offer alternative pain relief options for the over 4,000 births that take place at the Hospital each year. We also provide critical care during the entire gynecological and obstetrics journey.


The Anesthesia Department handles acute pain, primarily post-operative, using a variety of analgesic techniques:

  • Patient-controlled pain relief (children aged 6+).
  • Nurse-controlled pain relief (children under 6 or non-cooperative).
  • Epidural pain relief.
  • Nerve blocks.
  • Administration of opioids and other pain relief drugs.

Why the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital?

Handling patient and family concerns

Our approach to mitigating anxiety and fear in children and their family before a surgical operation is groundbreaking in Spain. Our aim is to prevent severe long-term disorders brought on by mismanagement of anxiety and fear.

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Individualised pain relief

We are experts when it comes to personalising anesthetic to each patient and their circumstances.

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Specific consultation for treating chronic pain

We work hand-in-hand with other departments and units in the Hospital, with there even being an Acupuncture specialist on staff.

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Our figures


Anaesthesiology: Procedures per year


Procedures requiring anaesthesia in outpatient surgery


Procedures requiring anaesthesia in hospitalization


“We do everything we can to make the surgical process feel like a game, thereby reducing anxiety and worry for both the child and their family.”

Montserrat Suárez Comas, anestesista pediátrica, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona
Montserrat Suárez Comas
Paediatric anaesthetist
Eva Maria Solà Ruiz, Anestesióloga pediátrica, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona
Maria Eva Sola Ruiz
Paediatric anaesthetist
Dolors Molies Navarrete, anestesista, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona
Dolors Molies Navarrete
Paediatric anaesthetist
Gastón Echaniz Barcero, Anestesiólogo pediátrico
Gastón Echaniz Barbero
Paediatric anaesthetist
David Artés Tort, anestesista, Hospital Joan de Déu Barcelona
David Artés Tort
Paediatric anaesthetist
Estibaliz Azpeitia López, pediatra, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona
Estíbaliz Azpeitia López
Paediatric anaesthetist
Ester Banús Gasol, anestesiológa
Ester Banús Gasol
Paediatric anaesthetist
Alicia Chamizo Bremer, anestesióloga, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona
Alicia Chamizo Bremer
Paediatric anaesthetist
Aleix Clusella Molla, anestesiólogo pediátrico
Aleix Clusella Molla
Paediatric anaesthetist
María Ángeles Escobar Reyes, anestesióloga
María Ángeles Escobar Reyes
Paediatric anaesthetist
Pelayo Flórez Fernández, anestesiólogo pediátrico - Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona
Pelayo Flórez Fernández
Paediatric anaesthetist
Carolina Forero Cortés, anestesióloga
Carolina Forero Cortés
Paediatric anaesthetist
Dmytro Lushchenko, anestesista, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona
Dmytro Lushchenko
Paediatric anaesthetist
Celia Miñano Frutos, anestesióloga pediátrica - Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona
Celia Miñano Frutos
Paediatric anaesthetist
Maria Montserrat Navarro Egea
Paediatric anaesthetist
Carme Pàmies Auvi, Anestesióloga pediátrica, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona
Maria del Carme Pàmies Auvi
Paediatric anaesthetist
Anna Pascual Carreño, anestesiòloga pediàtrica - Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona
Anna Pascual Carreño
Paediatric anaesthetist
Cristina Pascuets Iglesias, anestesiòloga
Cristina Pascuets Iglesias
Paediatric anaesthetist
SJD Logo
Marina Perelló Riera
Paediatric anaesthetist
Alejandro Pérez Requena, anestesiólogo pediátrico - Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona
Alejandro Pérez Requena
Paediatric anaesthetist
Alejandra Prieto Gundin, anestesióloga
Alejandra Prieto Gundin
Paediatric anaesthetist
Yobanys Rodríguez Telles, anestesiólogo pediátrico - Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona
Yobanys Rodríguez Telles
Paediatric anaesthetist
SJD Logo
María Ángeles Subirana Padulles
Paediatric anaesthetist
Anna Judith Winter, anestesióloga pediátrica - Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona
Anna Judith Winter
Paediatric anaesthetist


The Anesthesiology Department at the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital takes part in international research projects in the following lines:

  • Fluid-replacement therapy.
  • Anesthetic use in neonates and nursing infants.
  • Child safety and comfort.
  • Reducing stress before surgery: STARS Project
  • Reducing post-op stress
  • Pain


The SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital is a university hospital affiliated with the University of Barcelona. We share our knowledge and train professionals who can go onto specialise in Pediatric Anesthesiology.

Specialised training for Internal Medical Residents (MIR)

We are a leading healthcare centre when it comes to training staff from other facilities in Anesthesiology. We teach 40 internal medical residents (MIR) each year, from all over Catalonia and Spain. Inhaled anesthetics training

We are a leading international training centre for inhaled anesthetics.