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Monday to Sunday, from 8 am to 8:30 pm

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Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

Private Care - International Patients +34 93 600 97 83

Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

Passeig Sant Joan de Déu, 2, 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat

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Diego Culebras Palao

Paediatric neurosurgeon
Avatar SJD male

Expert in

General paediatric neurosurgery, paediatric epilepsy surgery

You will find me at


English, Spanish, Catalan

I studied medicine at the faculty of Medicine of the Universidad de Murcia (2008-2014). After the Medical Residency Examination (MIR) I specialised in Neurosurgery at the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona (2014-2019). Subsequently, I joined the staff of the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital and completed the subspecialty of Paediatric Neurosurgery (2019-2020). Since 2019 I have been working as an assistant physician in the Neurosurgery Department of the Hospital with special dedication to epilepsy surgery.


  • Doing PhD at the Universitat de Barcelona, 2019-present: Impact of multimodal neuromonitoring in neurocritical patients.
  • Subspecialty in Paediatric Neurosurgery, 2019-2020.
  • Neurosurgery Specialty, 2014-2019.
  • Degree in Medicine, Universidad de Murcia, 2008-2014.

Scientific activity

  • Double hemispheric Microdialysis study in poor-grade SAH patients. Torné R, Culebras D, Sanchez-Etayo G, García-García S, Muñoz G, Llull L, Amaro S, Heering C, Blasco J, Zavala E, Enseñat J. Sci Rep. 2020 May 4;10(1):7466. 
  • Extended endoscopic endonasal surgery for clival chordoma and chondrosarcoma: Our experience in 14 cases. Culebras D, Torales J, Reyes LA, Zapata L, García S, Roldán P, Langdon C, Alobid I, Enseñat J. Neurocirugia (Astur : Engl Ed). 2018 Jul-Aug;29(4):201-208. English, Spanish.
  • Stroke units could be a valid alternative to intensive care units for patients with low-grade aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage. Llull L, Mayà G, Torné R, Mellado-Artigas R, Renú A, López-Rueda A, Laredo C, Culebras D, Chamorro Á. Eur J Neurol. 2021 Feb;28(2):500-508
  • Completion of disconnective surgery for refractory epilepsy in pediatric patients using robot-assisted MRI-guided laser interstitial thermal therapy. Candela-Cantó S, Muchart J, Valera C, Jou C, Culebras D, Alamar M, Becerra V, Armero G, Aparicio J, Hinojosa J, Rumià J. J Neurosurg Pediatr. 2022.
  • The impact of 1.5-T intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging in pediatric tumor surgery: Safety, utility, and challenges. Becerra V, Hinojosa J, Candela S, Culebras D, Alamar M, Armero G, Echaniz G, Artés D, Muchart J. Front Oncol. 2023 Jan 4;12:1021335.
  • Cost-Effectiveness of Low-Field Intraoperative Magnetic Resonance in Glioma Surgery. Garcia-Garcia S, García-Lorenzo B, Ramos PR, Gonzalez-Sanchez JJ, Culebras D, Restovic G, Alcover E, Pons I, Torales J, Reyes L, Sampietro-Colom L, Enseñat J. Front Oncol. 2020 Nov 2;10:586679. 

How to request a treatment in SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

Our hospital is dedicated to comprehensive care for women, children and adolescents.