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Locations and phones

Call center 93 253 21 00

Monday to Sunday, from 8 am to 8:30 pm

Scheduling or change of appointment +34 93 253 21 00

Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

Private Care - International Patients +34 93 600 97 83

Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

Passeig Sant Joan de Déu, 2, 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat

How to arrive

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Blanca Cabestany Bau

Blanca Cabestany Bau, psicóloga de la UTAE del Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona

"The main aim of education is to create people capable of doing new things, and not simply to repeat what other generations did."

Jean Piaget

Expert in

Autism Spectrum Disorder

You will find me at


English, Catalan, Spanish

As a specialist in Clinical Child Psychology, I develop my work in the School Learning Disorders Unit (UTAE) at SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital. With years of experience in therapeutic intervention in natural contexts, my approach goes beyond treatment: I accompany, guide and build bridges between children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders, their families and teachers. I am characterised by a close and sympathetic approach, always seeking to adapt the support to the needs of each person in order to promote their well-being and development. My work is not only about understanding, but also about connecting and making each child shine with their own light.


  • Postgraduate course in family and systemic therapy, Kine Centre.
  • Accreditation in ADI-R, Igain.
  • Six ABA Orange capsules, Imaginary planet Formation.
  • Accreditation in ADOS-2, June 2022. Psicocat Training.
  • Early Star Denver Model Introductory, Workshop UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education.
  • Master in Clinical Health Psychology, UNIR-Universidad Internacional de la Rioja.
  • Degree in Psychology, Blanquerna - Universitat Ramon Llull.

How to request a treatment in SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

Our hospital is dedicated to comprehensive care for women, children and adolescents.