Expert in
Strabismus and amblyopia
English, Spanish, Catalan
During my career, I've always focused on improving as a professional and acquiring skills in different fields of optometry. In recent years I have specialised in child optometry, binocular vision and in the field of low vision. I am currently actively working on research into amblyopia (lazy eye).
- PhD student in Optical Engineering at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in the Department of Optics and Optometry, current.
- University Expert in eye and visual care in developing countries. Universitat de València (ADEIT), 2019.
- Official Master's Degree in Optometry and Vision Sciences. Terrassa Faculty of Optics and Optometry (UPC), 2013.
- Graduate of Optics and Optometry. Terrassa Faculty of Optics and Optometry (UPC), 2007.
International experience
- Pediatric Optometry training to optometrists and ophthalmologists resident in Maputo Central Hospital and Hospital General José Macamo in Mozambique, Ocularis NGO 2012 - current.
- Tutor of introductory courses in IT and IPad / IPhone devices for blind and visually impaired people at Vision North Somerset, Weston-Super-Mare (United Kingdom), 2014.
Scientific activity
- Principal investigator of the study: "Determination of the different visual and physiological parameters that affect the diagnosis and treatment of amblyopia", in progress.
- Optometrist collaborating in the study: "A two part seamless, open-label, multicenter study to investigate the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and efficacy of RO7034067 in infants with type 1 spinal muscular atrophy” (FIREFISH), in progress.
- "Amblyopia in the context of Optic Nerve Drusen Vs Papilledema". Presented a poster at the conference "OptoMeeting: Paediatric optometry: Challenge and Solutions", Valladolid, 2019.
- "Eye Care at the European Refugee Camps". Oral communication at the 36th World Ophthalmology Congress (WOC) of the International Council of Ophthalmology, Barcelona, 2018.
- "Nanophthalmos. About a case". Poster presentation at the 25th International Congress of Optometry, Contactology and Ophthalmic Optics, Madrid, 2018.
- "Pediatric optometry workshop" Presentation of workshops at the 12th Congress of the Société Africaine Francophone d'Ophtalmologie, Dakar, 2017.
- Collaborator in the creation of the postgraduate programme of Pediatric Optometry for the University of Lúrio in Mozambique through the NGO Ocularis, 2019.
- Collaborator in the creation of the Pediatric Ophthalmology university diploma programme for the Cheikh Anta DIOP University in Dakar through the NGO Ocularis, 2018.
How to request a treatment in SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital
Our hospital is dedicated to comprehensive care for women, children and adolescents.