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Locations and phones

Call center 93 253 21 00

Monday to Sunday, from 8 am to 8:30 pm

Scheduling or change of appointment +34 93 253 21 00

Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

Private Care - International Patients +34 93 600 97 83

Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

Passeig Sant Joan de Déu, 2, 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat

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Quality outcomes
Sessió d'estimulació precoç - Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona

Patients Satisfaction

  • Patients satisfaction (Peer value: 8.32): 8.55
    Data 2023 (Peer data: 2022). Source: Health Quality and Assessment Agency of Catalonia (AQuAS)
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS), overall: 72.15
    Data: 2023. Source: Own system
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS), inpatients: 81.89
    Data: 2023. Source: Own system

Hospital Outcomes and Quality Metrics

Global Indicators

(Source: IAmetrics®, IQVIA, data: 2023)

  • Case-mix complexity (Relative Weight AP-DRG): 1.24
    Meaning: Case-mix more complex than peer1 (24%)
  • Risk-adjusted Mortality Index: 0.37
    Meaning: Less mortality than expected2 (63% less)
  • Risk-adjusted Readmissions Index at 30 days: 0.78
    Meaning: Less readmissions than expected2 (22% less)

1 Peer: Data base of pediatric inpatient admissions (0-18 years) from university hospitals in Spain.
2 Risk-adjusted index: Based on models adjusted by age, sex, diagnostics, procedures and other variables, developed by IQVIA with data from Spanish hospitals.

Patient Safety Indicators

(Source: Own data 2023)

  • Bacteremia associated to central venous catheter (episodes/1000 catheter/day) [Reference value: 5.01]: 2.9
  • Sentinel health events notified (n): 6

1 Reference value set by the VINCAT study, including 8 pediatric ICU and 16 neonatal ICU from Catalonia (data: 2022).

Hospital Efficiency

(Source: IAmetrics®, IQVIA, data: 2023)

  • DRG-adjusted Length of Stay Index: 0.77
    Meaning: Better than peer1 (23%)
  • DRG-adjusted Preoperatory Stay: 0.00
    Meaning: Better than peer11 (100%)
  • DRG-adjusted Ambulatory Index: 1.15
    Meaning: Better than peer1 (15%)

1 Peer: Data base of pediatric inpatient admissions (0-18 years) from university hospitals in Spain, Iametrics®, IQVIA


SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital have the following categories of accreditations:

Overall hospital accreditation

Acute Hospital Care Centers, Department of Health Government of Catalonia, 97% achievement of standards.

Clinical accreditations

  1. European Reference Networks (ERN) accreditations: The hospital is accredited in 21 of 24 ERN.
  2. CSUR (Center, department or units of reference): Accreditation by the Ministry of Health, Spain, as a reference hospital, clinical department or clinical unit for the country and all its regions. The Hospital is accredited in 34 CSUR.
  3. JACIE: Accreditation of the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit and CAR-T Cell Therapy Unit.

Patient Experience

We work using a process and methodological approach that melds lean management and design thinking by facilitating the interaction between patients and other stakeholders in the design of processes and the patient experience. The lean management approach focuses on fine-tuning processes and their feasibility, whilst design thinking explores and identifies the needs, questions, concerns and preferences of patients and their families.


This approach is used through interview to the parents of the children on treatment in the units.

Number of patients included [tool we use]

  • Palliative Care [HRQoL]: 35
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis [JADAS]: 556
  • Diabetes Mellitus [PedsQL]: 405
  • Palatine Fissure [Set ICHOM Cleft&Palate]: 120
  • Cognitive-behavioural disorders [NeuroQol]: 45
  • Cystic Fibrosis [Cystic Fibrosis Questionnaire-Revised Application]: 42
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease [IMPACT III]: 60
  • Haemophilia [HaemoQol]: 15
  • Immunodeficiencies [PEDsQL]: 20
Top Value awards 2023- SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital


There has been 467 qualitative dynamics with a participation of 1,140 participants.

  • Interviews: 250 dynamics with 343 participants.
  • Observational sessions: 83 dynamics with 183 participants.
  • Focus groups: 48 dynamics with 330 participants.
  • Activity registry file: 70 dynamics with 100 participants.
  • Co-design sessions: 16 dynamics with 162 participants.
  • User’s testing: 22 participants.

The profiles of the users have been the following ones:

  • Patients: 262
  • Relatives: 385
  • Staff: 431
  • Volunteers: 60
  • Patient's associations: 2

Medical Doctors Awarded

  • Forbes 100 Best medical Professionals in Spain (2020, 2021, 2022): Dr Susana Rives, head of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Unit of the Oncology Department.
  • Ian McDonald Gold Medal ISUOG: Professor Dr Eduard Gratacós is the winner of 2022 Ian Donald Gold Medal ISUOG International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology award in recognition of his significant scientific contribution to the advancement of diagnostic ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Youngest winner in history awards.
  • World Ranking of Top 2% Scientists by Stanford University (2021): 
  • IX Premios A TU SALUD - Best specialist in paediatric oncology (2020): Dr Andrés Morales, paediatric oncologist-Head of the Oncology Department.