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Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

Private Care - International Patients +34 93 600 97 83

Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm

SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital

Passeig Sant Joan de Déu, 2, 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat

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Anatomical Pathology
Servicio de Anatomía Patológica - Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona

We identify structural modifications of organs, tissues and cells to diagnose paediatric diseases and work towards personalised treatments.

The Anatomical Pathology Department at SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital analyses the changes that occur in organs, tissues and cells in the different paediatric, maternal-fetal and gynaecological diseases to learn about their origin and to help determine guidelines for clinical implementation. At our facilities, we analyse samples from the clinical departments and units of the Hospital and external centres that contact our institution for an initial diagnosis or for a second anatomical pathology evaluation .

The Anatomical Pathology Team arrives at a diagnosis based on the observation of the morphological lesions produced by the different diseases in organs, tissues and cells. Through the evaluation of the patient's clinical context and the histomolecular abnormalities characteristic of certain diseases, we diagnose a great number of paediatric diseases in a precise, fast and reliable way.

Why SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital?

Experience in paediatric and women's diseases

We cover all areas of pathology, including rare diseases, which represent a large volume within the pediatric stage.

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Contribution to the progress of research

Our triple mission is to support diagnosis, transmit knowledge and investigate the causes, consequences and specific responses of each organ to different diseases.

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Personalised treatments and a commitment to quality

We study highly complex diseases. Every year we analyze more than 12,000 samples, of which 9,000 are biopsies.

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Services we can offer

The Anatomical Pathology Department at SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital covers all areas of pathology, including rare diseases, which represent a significant proportion of paediatric conditions.


The main areas in the Hospital in terms of the number of cases and specialised technical requirements, are the following:

Diagnosis of paediatric diseases

Complete study of cytology samples, biopsies and other surgical samples of different paediatric specialties. Intraoperative study of cytology, biopsies and surgical specimens.

Obstetrics and gynaecology samples

Endometrial aspirates, biopsies and surgical specimens, exfoliative cytology, breast punctures and Tru-cut biopsies, fetal, perinatal and neonatal autopsies and embryo study.

Paediatric cancer pathologies

Histomolecular diagnosis of solid tumours affecting children from the perinatal stage to the age of 18 (brain tumours, osseous and soft tissue sarcomas, lymphomas and other benign and malignant tumours at any location).

Developmental pathologies

Study of congenital malformations, metabolic diseases, perinatal pathology, diseases of the central nervous system and myopathies (paediatric muscle biopsy).

Rare diseases

Study of cytology samples, biopsies and autopsies of all types of rare disease, particularly neuromuscular and metabolic diseases.

Final diagnosis

Perform autopsies and definitive post-mortem diagnosis, integrated with the clinical teams.

Our professionals

"We are committed to quality procedures and specialized pediatric and women pathology"

Cristina Jou Muñoz
Pathologist doctor
Carlota Rovira Zurriaga
Pathologist doctor
Mariona Suñol Capella
Pathologist doctor
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Marta Marginet Soler
  • Ainara Blancas Garrido, laboratory technician.


Contributing to the progress of research is a key task for the Anatomical Pathology Department at SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital, which is part of several initiatives.

  • Research of several diseases, notably:
    • Solid tumours (gliomas and other brain tumours, neuroblastoma).
    • Neuromuscular diseases.
    • Obstetric and perinatal pathologies.
  • Collaboration in clinical trials led by SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital.
  • Publication of fifty articles in the period 2014 - 2016, all in indexed national and international scientific journals.


SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital is a university hospital attached to the Universitat de Barcelona. We share our knowledge and train medical professionals and technicians so that they can specialise in this highly complex field of medicine. The Anatomical Pathology Department also participates in university degrees and postgraduate courses that contribute to the training and specialisation of professionals.