Jordi Rumià Arboix

Expert in
Functional Neurosurgery
English, Spanish, Catalan, French
I am a specialist in Functional and Stereotactic Neurosurgery at SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital and Head of the same area at Hospital Clínic de Barcelona. I have performed more than 400 interventions in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy. I am an associate lecturer in the Surgery and Surgical Specialities Department of the University of Barcelona.
- Certificate in Neurosurgery awarded by the EANS (European Association of Neurosurgical Societies).
- Degree in Medicine, University of Barcelona, 1987.
International experience
- Epilepsy Surgery. UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles (USA).
- Residency in the Neurosurgery and Movement Disorder Unit, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Grenoble (France).
Scientific activity
I have published more than 70 articles as an author and co-author in indexed scientific journals.
- Associate lecturer in the Surgery and Surgical Specialities Department. University of Barcelona, from 2001 to present.
How to request a treatment in SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital
Our hospital is dedicated to comprehensive care for women, children and adolescents.