1. Foreword
- 1.1. Introduction
- 1.2. Governing and advisory bodies
- 1.3. Services and infrastructures
2. Global Numbers
- 2.1. Global numbers 2018
- 2.2. Global numbers 2015-2018
- 2.3. Research and Innovation Outputs
- 2.4. Training
3. Vertical areas
- 3.1. Peadiatric neuroscience
- 3.2. Molecular and cellular biology of developmental tumour
- 3.3. Adult-age disorders originating in the foetal period or in the early years of life
- 3.4. Infectious diseases and systemic inflammatory response in paediatrics
- 3.5 Mental Health
- 3.6 Foetal/Paediatric diseases and environment, metabolic and genetic factors
4. Cross-sectorial areas
- 4.1. Genetics, molecular biology and gene therapy
- 4.2. Neuropsychology, cognitive and development neuroscience
- 4.3. Biomedical engineering
- 4.4. Epidemiology
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